Atmospheric Neutrinos

Particle shower generated by a cosmic ray

Cosmic rays (protons or nuclei) interact in the upper atmosphere of the Earth. The resulting pions and kaons decay into muons and muon-neutrinos, many of the muons then decay into electrons and a muon-neutrino electron-neutrino pair. All these neutrinos are called atmospheric neutrinos and have been predicted and described in the early 60’s (Markov, Greisen, Reines, Zatsepin,…) [Mar60,Rei60,Gre60]. A crude estimation is that there are two times more muon-neutrinos than electron-neutrinos. In 1965, these atmospheric neutrinos were first detected by two experiments, installed in deep mines in India (Kolar Gold) [Ach65b] and in South Africa [Rei65b].

Interest on these neutrinos renewed in the early 80’s with the building of large underground detectors for the observation of the proton decay which was then predicted by the grand unified theories. Indeed atmospheric neutrino interactions were a background for the rare signal expected from the proton decay. At the end of the 80’s, the first results of the Cerenkov detectors Kamiokande [Hir88] and IMB [Cas91] were showing a small deficit of muon-neutrinos coming from the antipodes. On the contrary, fine resolution tracking detectors like Frejus [Ber90] or NUSEX [Agl89], found results in agreement with the predictions of atmospheric neutrino models [Bar88], though with a limited statistics. The deficit was not statistically convincing and the way to separate the muons and the electrons in Cerenkov detectors was seriously discussed. The muon-neutrino deficit could be interpreted in terms of neutrino oscillation, but such an announcement was clearly too premature (as soon as 1984, at the Neutrino’84 Conference [Kle84], there was a talk by John Learned entitled : « Search for oscillations with atmospheric neutrinos », but no written version…).

Inside SuperKamiokande

The debate has been solved by the SuperKamiokande experiment that started in 1996. After two years of data taking, SuperKamiokande announced in June 1998 the clear observation of a deficit of muon-neutrinos coming from the antipodes [Fuk98b]; this deficit has been almost immediately interpreted as an oscillation between muon-neutrino and tau-neutrino.

At the same time, the calorimetric MACRO [Amb98] and Soudan 2 [All97] experiments had observed the atmospheric neutrino anomaly, but with a statistical significance insufficient to claim that neutrinos would oscillate.

The oscillation between νμ and ντ has been confirmed by the K2K long-baseline experiment [Ali05].

Calculations of the atmospheric neutrino fluxes have been refined with time. A complete review is in [Gai02].

Further information

During the conference on the History of the Neutrino (Sept. 5-7, 2018 in Paris) the Atmospheric Neutrinos were reviewed by :


Ach65aG.V. Achar et al. The Kolar Gold Field neutrino experiment Proc. 9th Int. Conf. Cosmic Rays, 1965, Vol. 1, p. 1012historical atmospheric atmosbib
Ach65bG.V. Achar et al. Detection of muons produced by cosmic ray neutrinos deep underground Phys. Lett. 18 (1965) 196historical atmospheric milestonebib overviewbib atmosbib
Agl89M. Aglietta et al., NUSEX collaboration Experimental study of atmospheric neutrino flux in the NUSEX experimentEurophys. Lett. 8 (1989) 611atmospheric atmosbib
Ali05E. Aliu et al., K2K collaborationEvidence for muon-neutrino oscillation in an accelerator-based experimentPhys. Rev. Lett. 94 (2005) 081802; arXiv:hep-ex/0411038atmospheric accelerator oscillation atmosbib
All97W.W.M. Allison et al. Measurement of the atmospheric neutrino flavour composition in Soudan 2Phys. Lett. B391 (1997) 491 ; arXiv:hep-ex//9611007atmospheric atmosbib
Amb98M. Ambrosio et al., MACRO collaboration Measurement of the atmospheric neutrino-induced upgoing muon flux using MACROPhys. Lett. B434 (1998) 451atmospheric atmosbib
Ash04Y. Ashie et al., Super-Kamiokande collaboration Evidence for an oscillatory signature in atmospheric neutrino oscillationsPhys. Rev. Lett. 93 (2004) 101801historical atmospheric milestonebib overviewbib atmosbib oscbib plotbib
Bar88S. Barr, T.K. Gaisser, P. Lipari, S. Tilav Ratio of electron-neutrino/muon-neutrino in atmospheric neutrinosPhys. Lett. B214 (1988) 147atmospheric atmosbib
Bec92K.S. Hirata et al. , Kamiokande collaborationObservation of a small atmospheric muon-neutrino/electron neutrino ratio in KamiokandePhys. Lett. B280 (1992) 146atmospheric atmosbib
Bec92R. Becker-Szendy et al., IMB collaborationA search for muon-neutrino oscillations with the IMB detectorPhys. Rev. Lett. 69 (1992) 1010atmospheric atmosbib
Ber90Ch. Berger et al. A study of atmospheric neutrino oscillations in the Fréjus experiment Phys. Lett. B245 (1990) 305atmospheric atmosbib
Cas91D. Casper et al. Measurement of the atmospheric neutrino composition with the IMB-3 detectorPhys. Rev. Lett. 66 (1991) 2561atmospheric milestonebib overviewbib atmosbib
Cro78M.F. Crouch et al.Cosmic ray muon fluxes deep underground: intensity versus depth and the neutrino induced componentPhys. Rev. D18 (1978) 2239atmospheric atmosbib
Fuk98bY. Fukuda et al., Super-Kamiokande collaboration Evidence for oscillation of atmospheric neutrinos Phys. Rev. Lett. 81 (1998) 1562historical atmospheric milestonebib overviewbib atmosbib oscbib plotbib
Gai02T.K. Gaisser and M. Honda Flux of atmospheric neutrinos Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 52 (2002) 153review annualrev atmospheric atmosbib
Gai83T.K. Gaisser, T. Stanev, S.A. Bludman and H.S. LeeThe flux of atmospheric neutrinosPhys. Rev. Lett. 51 (1983) 223atmospheric atmosbib
Gre60Kenneth Greisen Cosmic ray showers Ann. Rev. Nucl. Sci. 10 (1960) 63 - “Fanciful though this proposal seems, we suspect that within the next decade, cosmic ray neutrino detection will become one of the tools of physics and astronomy” review annualrev atmospheric atmosbib
Hai86T.J. Haines et al.Calculation of atmospheric neutrino induced backgrounds in a nucleon decay searchPhys. Rev. Lett. 57 (1986) 1986atmospheric atmosbib
Hir88K.S. Hirata et al., Kamiokande collaboration Experimental study of the atmospheric neutrino fluxPhys. Lett. B205 (1988) 416atmospheric milestonebib overviewbib atmosbib
Hon90M. Honda, K. Kasahara, K. Hidaka and S. MidorikawaAtmospheric neutrino fluxesPhys. Lett. B248 (1990) 193atmospheric atmosbib
Kaj98Takaaki KajitaAtmospheric neutrino results from Super-Kamiokande and Kamiokande - Evidence for muon-neutrino oscillationsNucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 77 (1999) 123historical atmospheric milestonebib overviewbib atmosbib oscbib plotbib
Kle84K. Kleinknecht, E.A. Paschos, ed.XI International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino 84 - Nordkirchen - DortmundWorld Scientificconference proceedings neutrinoconf atmosbib
Kri71M.R. Krishnaswamy et al.The Kolar Gold Field neutrino experiment. 1. The interaction of cosmic ray neutrinos Proc. Roy. Soc. (A) 323 (1971) 489atmospheric atmosbib
Lea88J.G. Learned, S. Pakvasa and T.J. WeilerNeutrino Mass and Mixing Implied by Underground Deficit of Low-Energy Muon-neutrino EventsPhys. Lett. B207 (1988) 79atmospheric atmosbib oscbib
Lee63T.D. Lee, H. Robinson, M. Schwartz and R. CoolIntensity of upward muon flux due to cosmic ray neutrinos produced in the atmospherePhys. Rev. 132 (1963) 1297historical atmospheric atmosbib
Lee90H. Lee and Y.S. KohA new calculation of atmospheric neutrino fluxNuovo Cimento B105 (1990) 883atmospheric atmosbib
Mar60M.A. Markov On high energy neutrino physics Proc. 10th Int. Conf. on High-Energy Physics, Rochester, 1960, p. 579historical vhe milestonebib overviewbib atmosbib vhebib
Men63M.G. Menon et al.On the possibility of experiments with natural neutrinos deep undergroundPhys. Lett. 5 (1963) 272; also Nuovo Cimento 30 (1963) 1208historical atmospheric atmosbib
Nak86M. Nakahata et al., Kamiokande collaborationAtmospheric neutrino background and pion nuclear effect for Kamioka Nucleon Decay experimentJ. Phys. Soc. Jap. 55 (1986) 3786atmospheric atmosbib
Rei60Frederick Reines Neutrino interactions Ann. Rev. Nucl. Sci. 10 (1960) 1review annualrev properties atmosbib
Rei65bF. Reines, M.F. Crouch, T.L. Jenkins, W.R. Kropp, H.S. Gurr, G.R. Schmid, J.P.F. Sellschop, B. MeyerEvidence for high energy cosmic ray neutrino interactions Phys. Rev. Lett. 15 (1965) 429historical atmospheric milestonebib overviewbib atmosbib vhebib
Rei71F. Reines et al.Muons produced by atmospheric neutrinos: ExperimentPhys. Rev. D4 (1971) 80 and Phys. Rev. D4 (1971) 99atmospheric atmosbib
Zat62G.T. Zatsepin and V.A. KuzminNeutrino production in the atmosphereSov. Phys. JETP 14 (1962) 1294historical atmospheric atmosbib

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