1956 | M.E. Nahmias | Le neutrino – Mise au point de l’état actuel du problème | CNRS | book history | | |
1958 | J.S. Allen | The neutrino | Princeton University Press - Review by A.H. Snell, Physics Today 11, 11, 36 (1958) | book history | | |
1962 | E. Segrè, ed. | The collected papers of Enrico Fermi | University of Chicago Press | book history | | |
1969 | Isaac Asimov | The neutrino, ghost particle of the atom | Avon Books - French translation “Une particule fantôme, le neutrino”, Dunod, 1970 | book outreach | | |
1970 | G. M. Lewis | Neutrinos | Wykeham, London | book history | | |
1971 | A.W. Wolfendale | The search for the neutrino | University of Durham | book history | | |
1975 | Leonardo Sciascia | La scomparsa di Majorana | Adelphi (1975) [French translation: La disparition de Majorana, Flammarion (1984) / English translation: The Moro affair and the mystery of Majorana, Carcanet (1987)] | book majorana | | |
1980 | Emilio Segrè | From X-rays to quarks – Modern physicists and their discoveries | Dover - French translation : Les physiciens modernes et leurs découvertes – Des rayons X aux quarks, Fayard, 1984. One could have expected some pages about the neutrino, but, surprisingly, it is just quoted once and there is nothing interesting about its history. | book outreach | | |
1983 | L.M. Brown and L. Hoddeson, ed. | The Birth of Particle Physics | Cambridge University Press (1983) | book history | | |
1985 | Trevor Pinch | Theory Testing in Science – The case of Solar Neutrinos | Phil. Soc. Sci. 15 (1985) 167-187 - See also the book by T. Pinch (Pin1986) - French translation of an older version: "L’anomalie des neutrinos solaires: comment réagissent les théoriciens et les expérimentateurs?", in “La science telle qu’elle se fait” by Michel Callon and Bruno Latour, Editions La Découverte, 1991 | history outreach | | |
1986 | Abraham Pais | Inward Bound | Oxford University Press | book history | | |
1986 | Trevor Pinch | Confronting Nature, The sociology of Solar-Neutrino Detection | Kluwer/Reidel | book history milestonebib | | |
1987 | Peter Galison | How experiments end | The University of Chicago - French translation: Ainsi s’achèvent les expériences: une histoire de la physique expérimentale au 20ème siècle, La Découverte, 2002 | book history | | |
1989 | John Bahcall | Neutrino Astrophysics | Cambridge University Press | book solar supernova | | |
1989 | G. Berthomieu and M. Cribier, editors | Inside the Sun, 121st IAU Colloquium, Versailles, May 1989 | Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990 | book solar proceedings history | | |
1989 | R. Cahn and G. Goldhaber | Experimental Foundations of Particle Physics | Cambridge University Press - Second edition 2009 | book history | | |
1991 | W. Kropp, M. Moe, L. Price, K. Schultz, H. Sobel, ed. | Neutrinos and other matters: Selected works of Frederick Reines | World Scientific, 1991 | book history | | |
1991 | K. Winter ed. | Neutrino Physics | Cambridge University Press, 1991 - 2nd edition 2000 - Contains reprints of several historical papers | book history propbib | | |
1992 | Miriam Mafai | Il lungo freddo: Storia di Bruno Pontecorvo, lo scienziato che scelse l’URSS | Mondadori (1992) | book pontecorvo | | |
1992 | Christine Sutton | Spaceship Neutrino | Cambridge University Press (1992) | book outreach propbib | | |
1994 | John Bahcall, Raymond Davis, Peter Parker, Alexei Smirnov, Roger Ulrich ed. | Solar neutrinos: the first thirty years | Addison-Wesley, 1994 | book solar | | |
1995 | Michel Cribier, Michel Spiro, Daniel Vignaud | La lumière des neutrinos | Seuil (1995) | book outreach neutrinosrc | | |
1996 | André Rousset | Gargamelle et les courants neutres | Ecole des Mines Paris | book history neutralc | | |
1997 | Los Alamos | Celebrating the neutrino | Los Alamos Science 25 | book history discovbib plotbib | | |
1997 | Alfred K. Mann | Shadow of a Star, The Neutrino Story of Supernova 1987A | W.H. Freeman | book history supernova | | |
1997 | Nickolas Solomey | The elusive neutrino: a subatomic detective story | W.H. Freeman | book outreach | | |
2001 | Allan Franklin | Are there really neutrinos?: An Evidential History | Westview Press (2001) | book history | | |
2003 | François Vannucci | Le miroir aux neutrinos | Odile Jacob (2003) | book outreach | | |
2009 | João Magueijo | A brilliant darkness: the extraordinary life and mysterious disappearance of Ettore Majorana, the troubled genius of the nuclear age | Basic Books | majorana | | |
2010 | H.V. Klapdor-Kleingrothaus | Seventy years of double-beta decay | World Scientific | book doublebeta | | |
2011 | Frank Close | Neutrino | Oxford University Press - German translation - Springer | book outreach | | |
2012 | Simone Turchetti | The Pontecorvo affair - A cold war defection and nuclear physics | The University of Chicago Press Books | book pontecorvo | | |
2012 | Julien Lesgourgues, Gianpiero Mangano, Sergio Pastor, Gennaro Miele | Neutrino cosmology | Cambridge University Press | book cosmological | | |
2013 | S. Bilenky et al., editors | Bruno Pontecorvo selected scientific works: recollections on Bruno Pontecorvo | Società Italiana di Fisica 2013 - Expanded edition of 1997 book | book pontecorvo | | |
2013 | Etienne Klein | En cherchant Majorana | Gallimard, 2013 | book majorana outreach | | |
2014 | Salvatore Esposito | The physics of Ettore Majorana | Cambridge University Press | book majorana | | |
2014 | H. Päs | The perfect wave - With neutrinos at the Boundary of Space and Time | Harvard University Press | book | | |
2015 | Elena Canovi, Giampaolo Co', Daniele Montanino, Francesco Vissani | Neutrino: the mutant particle | Ithaca: Viaggio nella Scienza | book | | |
2015 | Frank Close | Half-life: the divided life of Bruno Pontecorvo, physicist or spy? | Basic Books, 2015 [French translation: Le mystère Pontecorvo / Flammarion, 2016] | book pontecorvo | | |
2015 | Ray Jayawardhana | Neutrino hunters | Macmillan, 2015 | book history | | |
2016 | Frank Close | Half-life, the divided life of Bruno Pontecorvo | Basic Books (2015), Conference at CERN, 28 April 2016 | history pontecorvo | | |
2017 | Salvatore Esposito | Ettore Majorana - unveiled genius and endless mysteries | Springer | book majorana | | |
2018 | A. Bettini | A brief history of Neutrino | | book history | | |