


1956M.E. NahmiasLe neutrino – Mise au point de l’état actuel du problèmeCNRSbook history
1958J.S. AllenThe neutrinoPrinceton University Press - Review by A.H. Snell, Physics Today 11, 11, 36 (1958)book history
1962E. Segrè, ed.The collected papers of Enrico FermiUniversity of Chicago Pressbook history
1969Isaac AsimovThe neutrino, ghost particle of the atomAvon Books - French translation “Une particule fantôme, le neutrino”, Dunod, 1970book outreach
1970G. M. LewisNeutrinosWykeham, Londonbook history
1971A.W. WolfendaleThe search for the neutrinoUniversity of Durhambook history
1975Leonardo SciasciaLa scomparsa di MajoranaAdelphi (1975) [French translation: La disparition de Majorana, Flammarion (1984) / English translation: The Moro affair and the mystery of Majorana, Carcanet (1987)]book majorana
1980Emilio SegrèFrom X-rays to quarks – Modern physicists and their discoveriesDover - French translation : Les physiciens modernes et leurs découvertes – Des rayons X aux quarks, Fayard, 1984. One could have expected some pages about the neutrino, but, surprisingly, it is just quoted once and there is nothing interesting about its outreach
1983L.M. Brown and L. Hoddeson, ed.The Birth of Particle PhysicsCambridge University Press (1983)book history
1985Trevor Pinch Theory Testing in Science – The case of Solar Neutrinos Phil. Soc. Sci. 15 (1985) 167-187 - See also the book by T. Pinch (Pin1986) - French translation of an older version: "L’anomalie des neutrinos solaires: comment réagissent les théoriciens et les expérimentateurs?", in “La science telle qu’elle se fait” by Michel Callon and Bruno Latour, Editions La Découverte, 1991history outreach
1986Abraham PaisInward BoundOxford University Pressbook history
1986Trevor PinchConfronting Nature, The sociology of Solar-Neutrino DetectionKluwer/Reidelbook history milestonebib
1987Peter GalisonHow experiments endThe University of Chicago - French translation: Ainsi s’achèvent les expériences: une histoire de la physique expérimentale au 20ème siècle, La Découverte, 2002book history
1989John BahcallNeutrino AstrophysicsCambridge University Pressbook solar supernova
1989G. Berthomieu and M. Cribier, editorsInside the Sun, 121st IAU Colloquium, Versailles, May 1989Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990book solar proceedings history
1989R. Cahn and G. GoldhaberExperimental Foundations of Particle PhysicsCambridge University Press - Second edition 2009book history
1991W. Kropp, M. Moe, L. Price, K. Schultz, H. Sobel, ed.Neutrinos and other matters: Selected works of Frederick ReinesWorld Scientific, 1991book history
1991K. Winter ed.Neutrino PhysicsCambridge University Press, 1991 - 2nd edition 2000 - Contains reprints of several historical papersbook history propbib
1992Miriam MafaiIl lungo freddo: Storia di Bruno Pontecorvo, lo scienziato che scelse l’URSSMondadori (1992)book pontecorvo
1992Christine SuttonSpaceship NeutrinoCambridge University Press (1992)book outreach propbib
1994John Bahcall, Raymond Davis, Peter Parker, Alexei Smirnov, Roger Ulrich ed.Solar neutrinos: the first thirty yearsAddison-Wesley, 1994book solar
1995Michel Cribier, Michel Spiro, Daniel VignaudLa lumière des neutrinosSeuil (1995)book outreach neutrinosrc
1996André RoussetGargamelle et les courants neutresEcole des Mines Parisbook history neutralc
1997Los AlamosCelebrating the neutrinoLos Alamos Science 25book history discovbib plotbib
1997Alfred K. MannShadow of a Star, The Neutrino Story of Supernova 1987AW.H. Freemanbook history supernova
1997Nickolas SolomeyThe elusive neutrino: a subatomic detective storyW.H. Freemanbook outreach
2001Allan FranklinAre there really neutrinos?: An Evidential HistoryWestview Press (2001)book history
2003François VannucciLe miroir aux neutrinosOdile Jacob (2003)book outreach
2009João Magueijo A brilliant darkness: the extraordinary life and mysterious disappearance of Ettore Majorana, the troubled genius of the nuclear age Basic Booksmajorana
2010H.V. Klapdor-KleingrothausSeventy years of double-beta decayWorld Scientificbook doublebeta
2011Frank CloseNeutrinoOxford University Press - German translation - Springerbook outreach
2012Simone TurchettiThe Pontecorvo affair - A cold war defection and nuclear physicsThe University of Chicago Press Booksbook pontecorvo
2012Julien Lesgourgues, Gianpiero Mangano, Sergio Pastor, Gennaro MieleNeutrino cosmologyCambridge University Pressbook cosmological
2013S. Bilenky et al., editorsBruno Pontecorvo selected scientific works: recollections on Bruno PontecorvoSocietà Italiana di Fisica 2013 - Expanded edition of 1997 bookbook pontecorvo
2013Etienne KleinEn cherchant MajoranaGallimard, 2013book majorana outreach
2014Salvatore EspositoThe physics of Ettore MajoranaCambridge University Pressbook majorana
2014H. PäsThe perfect wave - With neutrinos at the Boundary of Space and TimeHarvard University Pressbook
2015Elena Canovi, Giampaolo Co', Daniele Montanino, Francesco VissaniNeutrino: the mutant particleIthaca: Viaggio nella Scienzabook
2015Frank CloseHalf-life: the divided life of Bruno Pontecorvo, physicist or spy? Basic Books, 2015 [French translation: Le mystère Pontecorvo / Flammarion, 2016]book pontecorvo
2015Ray JayawardhanaNeutrino huntersMacmillan, 2015 book history
2016Frank Close Half-life, the divided life of Bruno PontecorvoBasic Books (2015), Conference at CERN, 28 April 2016history pontecorvo
2017Salvatore EspositoEttore Majorana - unveiled genius and endless mysteries Springerbook majorana
2018A. BettiniA brief history of Neutrinobook history

Books about Majorana

1975Leonardo SciasciaLa scomparsa di MajoranaAdelphi (1975) [French translation: La disparition de Majorana, Flammarion (1984) / English translation: The Moro affair and the mystery of Majorana, Carcanet (1987)]
2009João Magueijo A brilliant darkness: the extraordinary life and mysterious disappearance of Ettore Majorana, the troubled genius of the nuclear age Basic Books
2013Etienne KleinEn cherchant MajoranaGallimard, 2013
2014Salvatore EspositoThe physics of Ettore MajoranaCambridge University Press
2017Salvatore EspositoEttore Majorana - unveiled genius and endless mysteries Springer

Books about Pontecorvo

1992Miriam MafaiIl lungo freddo: Storia di Bruno Pontecorvo, lo scienziato che scelse l’URSSMondadori (1992)
2012Simone TurchettiThe Pontecorvo affair - A cold war defection and nuclear physicsThe University of Chicago Press Books
2013S. Bilenky et al., editorsBruno Pontecorvo selected scientific works: recollections on Bruno PontecorvoSocietà Italiana di Fisica 2013 - Expanded edition of 1997 book
2015Frank CloseHalf-life: the divided life of Bruno Pontecorvo, physicist or spy? Basic Books, 2015 [French translation: Le mystère Pontecorvo / Flammarion, 2016]
2016Frank Close Half-life, the divided life of Bruno PontecorvoBasic Books (2015), Conference at CERN, 28 April 2016