It is not our purpose to quote all the conferences where neutrinos were discussed. We limit below to the series of conferences only (or mostly) devoted to neutrinos.
The International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics is organized since 1972, each two years since 1982. It is the reference Conference in this domain. The 50th anniversary of the first conference in Budapest has been celebrated virtually during the 2022 Neutrino Conference in Seoul (See also Europhysics News).
The International Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos (WIN) is organized since 1973, each two years since 1983.
The Neutrino Oscillation Workshop (NOW) is organized since 1998, each two years. Its aim is: to discuss Neutrino Oscillation Physics, in particular current experimental data and their theoretical interpretation; to outline future investigations of neutrino masses and mixings; and to explore the links with various research fields in Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology.
The International Workshop on Neutrino Telescopes is organized in Venice (Italy) about every two years since 1988.
The International Workshop on Neutrinos from Accelerators (NuFact) is organized each year since 1999.
The International TAUP Conferences (Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics) are organized each two years since 1989 and devote a large part to neutrinos.
The Applied Antineutrino Physics workshops are organized nearly each year since 2004 and devoted to applications of neutrino detectors in the field of reactor monitoring, nuclear safeguards and geophysics.
The bibliography below extends the previous list to contributions interesting for the history of the neutrino.
Proceedings of Conferences
Year | Author(s) | Title | Reference | Key-words | ||
1964 | G. Bernardini | Weak interactions | XXXII International School of Physics “Enrico Fermi”, Varenna, 1964, Academic Press 1966, p.1 (first two pages) For the full article (32 Mo) | proceedings | ||
1964 | M. Schwartz | Neutrino experiments | XXXII International School of Physics “Enrico Fermi”, Varenna, 1964, Academic Press 1966, p.161 (first two pages) For the full article (6.0 Mo) | proceedings accelerator | ||
1964 | C.S. Wu | Beta-decay | XXXII International School of Physics “Enrico Fermi”, Varenna, 1964, Academic Press 1966, p.52 (first two pages) For the full article (14.8 Mo) | proceedings betadecay | ||
1964 | L.M. Lederman | Present neutrino experiments | XXXII International School of Physics “Enrico Fermi”, Varenna, 1964, Academic Press 1966, p.176 (first two pages) For the full article (3.9 Mo) | proceedings accelerator | ||
1964 | T.D. Lee | Theoretical survey of high-energy neutrino interactions | XXXII International School of Physics “Enrico Fermi”, Varenna, 1964, Academic Press 1966, p.142 (first two pages) For the full article (5.1 Mo) | proceedings | ||
1964 | T.D. Lee, director | Weak interactions and high-energy neutrino physics | XXXII International School of Physics “Enrico Fermi”, Varenna, 1964, Academic Press 1966 | proceedings | ||
1965 | C. Franzinetti, editor | Informal Conference on Experimental Neutrino Physics | CERN, January 1965, CERN 65-32 | proceedings | ||
1966 | Edoardo Amaldi | Ettore Majorana, man and scientist | Strong and Weak Interactions Present Problems, 1966 Int. School of Physics Ettore Majorana, Erice | proceedings majorana | ||
1968 | A. Salam | Weak and electromagnetic interactions | Proceedings of the 8th Nobel Symposium, Conf. Proc.C 680519 (1968) 367 | theorybib | ||
1969 | J.S. Bell, editor | Topical Conference on Weak Interactions | CERN Report 69-07, 1969 | proceedings | ||
1969 | J.B.M. Pattison, C.A. Ramm, W.A. Venus, editors | Neutrino meeting | CERN, 13-14 January 1969, CERN Report 69-28 - Most on neutrino beams at CERN, but also Kolar Gold experiment and Neutrinos from stellar collapses | proceedings | ||
1971 | E.H.S. Burhop, editor | Proceedings of the meeting on future experiments with Gargamelle | London, 3-4 June 1971 - Report CERN-TCC/71-31 | proceedings neutralc theory accelerator | ||
1972 | A. Frenkel, G. Marx | 1st International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino'72 - Budapest | conference proceedings neutrinoconf history | |||
1972 | D. H. Perkins | Neutrino interactions | Proc. of the 16th Int. Conf. On High-Energy Physics, Batavia (1972), vol. 4, p.189 | proceedings plotbib | ||
1973 | Win1973 | 1st Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions with Very High Energy Beams, Billingehus, Sweden | conference proceedings winconf | |||
1974 | A. Rousset | Neutral Currents | AIP Conference Proceedings 22, 141 (1974) | review accelerator neutralc | ||
1974 | Win1974 | 2nd Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions with Very High Energy Beams, Strobl - St. Wolfgang, Austria | conference proceedings winconf | |||
1975 | Win1975 | 3rd Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions with Very High Energy Beams, Colombus, Ohio | conference proceedings winconf | |||
1976 | H. Faissner, H. Reithler, P.M. Zerwas, ed. | V International Neutrino Conference - Neutrino 76 - Aachen | Braunschweig Vieweg (1977) | conference proceedings neutrinoconf | ||
1976 | A. Roberts, ed. | DUMAND-76 | Proc. 1976 DUMAND Summer Workshop, September 1976, Hawaii | vhe detection proceedings vhebib overviewbib | ||
1976 | Win1976 | 4th Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions with Very High Energy Beams, Trieste, Italy | conference proceedings winconf | |||
1977 | Win1977 | 5th Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions with Very High Energy Beams, Kobe, Japan | conference proceedings winconf | |||
1978 | E.C. Fowler, ed. | VI International Conference on Neutrinos - Neutrino 78 - Purdue | Purdue University | conference proceedings neutrinoconf | ||
1978 | Win1978 | 6th Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions, Ames, Iowa | conference proceedings winconf | |||
1979 | A. Haatuft, C. Jarlskog, ed. | VII International Conference on Neutrinos, Weak Interactions and Cosmology - Neutrino 79 - Bergen | Bergen University ; | conference proceedings neutrinoconf | ||
1979 | F. J. Kelly, A. W. Sàenz, and H. Üerall | Telecommunication by high-energy neutrino beams | AIP Conference Proceedings 52, 113 (1979) | accelerator | ||
1979 | F. Reines | Reminiscences: The Early Days of Experimental Neutrino Physics | AIP Conference Proceedings 52, 1 (1979) | history | ||
1980 | F. Reines | 50 years of neutrino physics early experiments | Proceedings Neutrino'80, Ettore Majorana Int. Sci. Ser. Phys. Sci. 12 (1982), Plenum Press, p.11 | history | ||
1980 | Win1980 | 7th Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions, Balaton, Hungary | conference proceedings winconf | |||
1980 | R. Peierls | The early days of neutrino physics | Proceedings Neutrino'80, Ettore Majorana Int. Sci. Ser. Phys. Sci. 12 (1982), Plenum Press, p.1 | history | ||
1980 | B. Pontecorvo | 50 years of neutrino physics : a few episodes | Proceedings Neutrino'80, Ettore Majorana Int. Sci. Ser. Phys. Sci. 12 (1982), Plenum Press, p.29 | history | ||
1980 | E. Fiorini, ed. | VIII International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino 80 - Erice | Ettore Majorana Int. Sci. Ser. Phys. Sci. 12 (1982), Plenum Press ; | conference proceedings neutrinoconf | ||
1981 | R.J. Cence, E. Ma, A. Roberts, ed. | IX International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino 81 - Wailea, Hawaii | University of Hawaii | conference proceedings neutrinoconf | ||
1982 | Edoardo Amaldi | Beta decays opens the way to weak interactions | International Colloquium on the History of Particle Physics, Journal de Physique Colloque C-8, suppl. n° 12, p. 261 | proceedings history betadecay | ||
1982 | A. Frenkel, L. Jenik, ed. | X International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino 82 - Balaton | KFKI Budapest | conference proceedings neutrinoconf | ||
1982 | A. Morales, ed. | 8th Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos, Javea, Spain | Weak Interactions and Neutrinos, World Scientific, 1983 | conference proceedings winconf | ||
1982 | M.M. Nieto, W. Haxton, C.M. Hoffman, E.W. Kolb, V.D. Sandberg, J.W. Toevs, ed. | Science Underground | Conference in Los Alamos, 1982, AIP Conference Proceedings 96 (1983) - Topics covered include solar neutrinos, proton decay, cosmic rays, geophysics, gravity waves, double beta decay, and possible future research directions with underground detectors | solar supernova atmospheric theory | ||
1982 | Paris 1982 | International Colloquium on the History of Particle Physics, Paris | International Colloquium on the History of Particle Physics, Journal de Physique Colloque C-8, suppl. n° 12 - Colloquium devoted to the history of particle physice. Several articles devoted to neutrinos | proceedings history | ||
1982 | Bruno Pontecorvo | The infancy and youth of neutrino physics, some recollections | International Colloquium on the History of Particle Physics, Journal de Physique Colloque C-8, suppl. n° 12, p. 221 | proceedings history pontecorvo | ||
1982 | Frederick Reines | Neutrinos to 1960, personal recollections | International Colloquium on the History of Particle Physics, Journal de Physique Colloque C-8, suppl. n° 12, p. 237 | proceedings history | ||
1983 | C. Alexander, A. M. Perry, L. H. Levine and L. M. Libby | A solar breeder to explain constant luminosity and the lack of neutrinos | AIP Conference Proceedings 96, 273 (1983) | solar | ||
1983 | Win1983 | 9th Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos, Talloires, France | conference proceedings winconf | |||
1984 | K. Kleinknecht, E.A. Paschos, ed. | XI International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino 84 - Nordkirchen - Dortmund | World Scientific | conference proceedings neutrinoconf atmosbib | ||
1984 | W.C. Haxton | Solar neutrino spectroscopy | AIP Conference Proceedings 123, 1026 (1984) | solar | ||
1985 | Win1985 | 10th Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos, Savonlinna, Finland | conference proceedings winconf | |||
1986 | T. Kitagaki, H. Yuta, ed. | XII International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino 86 - Sendai | World Scientific | conference proceedings neutrinoconf | ||
1987 | Win1987 | 11th Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos, Santa Fé, New Mexico | conference proceedings winconf | |||
1988 | J. Schneps, T. Kafka, W.A. Mann, P. Nath, ed. | XIII International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino 1988 - Boston | World Scientific, 1989 | conference proceedings neutrinoconf | ||
1989 | G. Berthomieu and M. Cribier, editors | Inside the Sun, 121st IAU Colloquium, Versailles, May 1989 | Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990 | book solar proceedings history | ||
1989 | P. Singer, G. Eilam, ed. | 12th Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos, Ginosar, Israël | Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 13 (1990) 1 | conference proceedings winconf | ||
1990 | J. Panman, K. Winter, ed. | XIV International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino 1990 - Geneva | Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 19 (1991) 3 | conference proceedings neutrinoconf | ||
1991 | Win1991 | 13th Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos, L'Aquila, Italy | conference proceedings winconf | |||
1992 | C.E. Lane, R.I. Steinberg, ed. | In celebration of the discovery of the neutrino. Franklin Symposium, Philadelphia, April 30 - May 1, 1992 | World Scientific (1993) | conference proceedings history | ||
1992 | A. Morales, ed. | XV International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino 1992 - Granada | Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 31 (1993) 3 | conference proceedings neutrinoconf | ||
1993 | U. Nguyen-Khac and A.M. Lutz, editors | Neutral currents twenty years later | Paris, July 1993, World Scientific, 1994 | proceedings neutralc | ||
1993 | Win1993 | 14th Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos, Seoul, Korea | conference proceedings winconf | |||
1994 | P. Galison | The discovery of neutral currents | AIP Conference Proceedings 300, 244 (1994) | history outreach | ||
1994 | A. Faessler ed. | Neutrinos in Cosmology, in Astro, Particle, Nuclear Physics | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 32 (1994) 1; Proc. of the Int. School "Neutrinos in Cosmology, Astro, Particle and Nuclear Physics", Erice, 1993 - Proceedings of the 1993 | review progpn proceedings | ||
1994 | A. Dar, G. Eilam, M. Gronau, ed. | XVI International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino 1994 - Eilat | Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 38 (1995) 13 | conference proceedings neutrinoconf | ||
1995 | Win1995 | 15th Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos, Talloires, France | conference proceedings winconf | |||
1997 | G. Fiorillo, V. Palladino, P. Strolin, ed. | 16th Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos, Capri, Italy | Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 66 (1998) | conference proceedings winconf | ||
1998 | A. Faessler ed. | Neutrinos in Cosmology, in Astro, Particle, Nuclear Physics | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 40 (1998) 1, Proc. of the Int. School "Neutrinos in Cosmology, Astro, Particle and Nuclear Physics", Erice, 1997 | review progpn proceedings | ||
1999 | C.A. Dominguez, R.D. Viollier, ed. | 17th Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos, Cape Town, South Africa | Cape Town University | conference proceedings winconf | ||
2002 | Win2002 | 18th Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos, Christchurch, New Zealand | conference proceedings winconf | |||
2002 | F. von Feilitzsch, N. Schmitz, ed. | XX International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino 2002 - Munich | Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 118 (2003) 3 | conference proceedings neutrinoconf | ||
2002 | A. Faessler ed. | Neutrinos in Cosmology, in Astro, Particle, Nuclear Physics | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 48 (2002) 1, Proc. of the Int. School "Neutrinos in Cosmology, Astro, Particle and Nuclear Physics", Erice, 2001 | review progpn proceedings | ||
2003 | Win2003 | 19th Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin | conference proceedings winconf | |||
2004 | J. Dumarchez, Th. Patzak, F. Vannucci, ed. | XXI International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino 2004 - Paris | Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 143 (2005) 3 | conference proceedings neutrinoconf | ||
2004 | J. Orloff, S. Lavignac and M. Cribier, editors | Seesaw 25 | International Conference on the Seesaw Mechanism, Paris, June 2004, World Scientific 2005 | proceedings theory | ||
2005 | Win2005 | 20th Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos, Delphi, Greece | conference proceedings winconf | |||
2006 | A. Faessler ed. | Neutrinos in Cosmology, in Astro, Particle, Nuclear Physics | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 57 (2006) 1, Int. Workshop "Neutrinos in Cosmology, Astro, Particle and Nuclear Physics", Erice, 2005 | review progpn proceedings | ||
2006 | J.M. Herndon | Solar System Processes Underlying Planetary Formation, Geodynamics and the Georeactor | Earth, Moon and Planets 99 (2006) 53 Neutrino Geophysics Proceedings of Neutrino Sciences 2005 | geoneutrino geobib | ||
2006 | Gisela Mateos | The absence of women in neutrino physics | Proceedings of the 2nd ICESHS (Cracow, Poland, September 2006), M. Kokowski, ed. | history | ||
2006 | G. Mills, S. Elliott, T. Goldman, T. Bowles, ed. | XXII International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino 2006 - Santa Fé | Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 221 (2011) 3 | conference proceedings neutrinoconf | ||
2007 | Allan J. Franklin | The Discovery and Nondiscovery of Neutrinos: The Reines Cowan Experiment and the 17 keV Neutrino | AIP Conference Proceedings 917, 12 (2007) | history detection falsepath 17keVbib | ||
2007 | Win2007 | 21st Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos, Kolkata, India | conference proceedings winconf | |||
2008 | J. Adams, F. Halzen, S. Parke, ed. | XXIII International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino 2008 - Christchurch | J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 136 (2008) | conference proceedings neutrinoconf | ||
2009 | Win2009 | 22nd Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos, Perugia, Italy | conference proceedings winconf | |||
2010 | A. Faessler ed. | Neutrinos in Cosmology, in Astro, Particle, Nuclear Physics | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 64 (2010) 169, Int. Workshop "Neutrinos in Cosmology, in Astro, Particle and Nuclear Physics", Erice, 2009 | review progpn proceedings | ||
2010 | G.S. Tzanakos, ed. | XXIV International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino 2010 - Athens | Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 229-232 (2012) 1 | conference proceedings neutrinoconf | ||
2011 | Win2011 | 23rd Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos, Cape Town, South Africa | conference proceedings winconf | |||
2012 | T. Kobayashi, M. Nakahata, T. Nakaya, ed. | XXV International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino 2012 - Kyoto | Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 235-236 (2013) 1 | conference proceedings neutrinoconf | ||
2013 | Win2013 | 24th Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos, Natal, Brazil | conference proceedings winconf | |||
2013 | J. Steinberger | Bruno Pontecorvo: his contributions to my physics and personal recollections | Nuovo Cim. C037 n°3 (2014) 19 - Proceedings of PONTECORVO 100, Symposium in honour of Bruno Pontecorvo for the centennial of the birth : Pisa, Italy, September 18-20, 2013 | proceedings pontecorvo | ||
2013 | G. Mitselmakher | Bruno Pontecorvo in Dubna: recollections by a former student | Nuovo Cim. C037 n°3 (2014) 11 - Proceedings of PONTECORVO 100, Symposium in honour of Bruno Pontecorvo for the centennial of the birth : Pisa, Italy, September 18-20, 2013 | proceedings pontecorvo | ||
2013 | A.B. McDonald | Bruno Pontecorvo and solar neutrinos | Nuovo Cim. C037 n°3 (2014) 39 - Proceedings of PONTECORVO 100, Symposium in honour of Bruno Pontecorvo for the centennial of the birth : Pisa, Italy, September 18-20, 2013 | proceedings pontecorvo | ||
2013 | Luciano Maiani | Concluding remarks: the scientist that lived three times | arXiv:1407.1373, Nuovo Cimento C037, n°5 (1974) 117 - Proceedings of "The legacy of Bruno Pontecorvo: the Man and the Scientist", 11-12 Septembre 2013, Rome | proceedings pontecorvo | ||
2013 | G. Fidecaro | Meeting Bruno Pontecorvo | Nuovo Cim. C037 n°3 (2014) 1 - Proceedings of PONTECORVO 100, Symposium in honour of Bruno Pontecorvo for the centennial of the birth : Pisa, Italy, September 18-20, 2013 | proceedings pontecorvo | ||
2013 | F. Guerra and N. Robotti | The beginning of a great adventure: Bruno Pontecorvo in Rome and Paris | Nuovo Cim. C037 n°5 (2014) 79 - Proceedings of "The legacy of Bruno Pontecorvo: the Man and the Scientist", Roma, September 11-12, 2013 | proceedings pontecorvo | ||
2013 | E. Fiorini | Neutrino physics and my debts to Bruno | Nuovo Cim. C037 n°3 (2014) 39 - Proceedings of PONTECORVO 100, Symposium in honour of Bruno Pontecorvo for the centennial of the birth : Pisa, Italy, September 18-20, 2013 | proceedings pontecorvo | ||
2013 | G. Fidecaro | Bruno Pontecorvo and his inverse beta process to detect neutrinos. A page of history | Nuovo Cim. C037 n°5 (2014) 105 - Proceedings of "The legacy of Bruno Pontecorvo: the Man and the Scientist", Roma, September 11-12, 2013 | proceedings pontecorvo | ||
2013 | L. Bonolis, C. Dionisi and N. Robotti, editors | The legacy of Bruno Pontecorvo: the man and the scientist, Roma, Italy, September 11-12, 2013 | SIF Conference Proceedings n° 107, Nuovo Cim. C037, n° 5 (2014) | proceedings pontecorvo | ||
2013 | Carlo Dionisi and Luciano Maiani | The legacy of Bruno Pontecorvo: the man and the scientist, Roma, Italy, September 11-12, 2013 | Nuovo Cim. C037 n°5 (2014) 1 ; The legacy of Bruno Pontecorvo - Proceedings of "The legacy of Bruno Pontecorvo: the Man and the Scientist", 11-12 Septembre 2013, Rome | proceedings pontecorvo | ||
2013 | L. Di Lella | The birth of lepton universality and the second neutrino | Nuovo Cim. C037 n°5 (2014) 79 - Proceedings of "The legacy of Bruno Pontecorvo: the Man and the Scientist", Roma, September 11-12, 2013 | proceedings pontecorvo | ||
2013 | E. Coccia | Edoardo Amaldi, Bruno Pontecorvo and the invisible light of stars | Nuovo Cim. C037 n°5 (2014) 79 - Proceedings of "The legacy of Bruno Pontecorvo: the Man and the Scientist", Roma, September 11-12, 2013 | proceedings pontecorvo | ||
2013 | F. Close | Bruno Pontecorvo: a life of two halves | Nuovo Cim. C037 n°5 (2014) 93 - Proceedings of "The legacy of Bruno Pontecorvo: the Man and the Scientist", Roma, September 11-12, 2013 | proceedings pontecorvo | ||
2013 | R. Castaldi | The early years of Bruno Maximovich Pontecorvo at Dubna | Nuovo Cim. C037 n°5 (2014) 79 - Proceedings of "The legacy of Bruno Pontecorvo: the Man and the Scientist", Roma, September 11-12, 2013 | proceedings pontecorvo | ||
2013 | S.M. Bilenky | Bruno Pontecorvo and modern neutrino physics | Nuovo Cim. C037 n°5 (2014) 3 - Proceedings of "The legacy of Bruno Pontecorvo: the Man and the Scientist", Roma, September 11-12, 2013 | proceedings pontecorvo | ||
2013 | S.M. Bilenky | Bruno Pontecorvo: pioneer of neutrino oscillations | Nuovo Cim. C037 n°3 (2014) 21 - Proceedings of PONTECORVO 100, Symposium in honour of Bruno Pontecorvo for the centennial of the birth : Pisa, Italy, September 18-20, 2013 | proceedings pontecorvo | ||
2013 | J. Bernabeu | On the history of the PMNS matrix… with today’s perspective | Nuovo Cim. C037 n°3 (2014) 145; arXiv:1312.7451 - Proceedings of PONTECORVO 100, Symposium in honour of Bruno Pontecorvo for the centennial of the birth : Pisa, Italy, September 18-20, 2013 | proceedings pontecorvo | ||
2013 | A. Baldini, V. Cavasinni, F. Cei and D. Nicolo, editors | Pontecorvo 100 - Symposium in honour of Bruno Pontecorvo for the centennial of his birth, Pisa, Italy, September 18-20, 2013 | SIF Conference Proceedings n° 106, Nuovo Cimento 37, n°3 (2014) ; | proceedings pontecorvo | ||
2013 | U. Amaldi | Major events and minor episodes | Nuovo Cim. C037 n°5 (2014) 79 - Proceedings of "The legacy of Bruno Pontecorvo: the Man and the Scientist", Roma, September 11-12, 2013 | proceedings pontecorvo | ||
2014 | E. Kearns, G. Feldman, ed. | XXVI International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino 2014 - Boston | AIP Conference Proceedings 1666 (2015) 010001 | conference proceedings neutrinoconf | ||
2014 | Luciano Maiani | Selected topics in Majorana neutrino physics | arXiv:1406.5503 | proceedings majorana seesaw history | ||
2015 | Win2015 | 25th Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos, Heidelberg | conference proceedings winconf | |||
2016 | K. Long, S. Pascoli, ed. | XXVII International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino 2016 - London | J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 888 (2017) | conference proceedings neutrinoconf | ||
2016 | A. Marrone, A. Mirizzi, D. Montanino, ed. | Neutrino Oscillation Workshop 2016 | Proceedings of Science PoS NOW2016 | conference proceeedings nowconf | ||
2017 | Win2017 | 26th Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos, Irvine, California | conference proceedings winconf | |||
2018 | A. Blondel | The third family of neutrinos | arXiv:1812.11362; Proceedings of the conference "History of the neutrino", 2019 | proceedings conference history propbib plotbib | ||
2018 | M. Cribier, J. Dumarchez, D. Vignaud, ed. | "History of the neutrino", Paris, 5-7 September 2018 | Proceedings of the conference "History of the neutrino", 2019 | proceedings conference history | ||
2018 | M. Lindner, G. Drexlin, ed. | XXVIII International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino 2018 - Heidelberg | conference proceedings neutrinoconf | |||
2018 | A. Marrone, A. Mirizzi, D. Montanino, ed. | Neutrino Oscillation Workshop 2018 | Proceedings of Science PoS NOW2018 | conference proceeedings nowconf | ||
2019 | Win2019 | 27th Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos, Bari | PoS 2019, 27th International Workshop WIN 2019 | conference proceedings winconf | ||
2020 | S. Brice, M. Marshak | XXIX International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino 2020 - Chicago | conference proceedings neutrinoconf | |||
2022 | A. Marrone, A. Mirizzi, D. Montanino, ed. | Neutrino Oscillation Workshop 2022 | Proceedings of Science PoS NOW2022 | conference proceeedings nowconf | ||
2022 | Seon-Hee Seo, Yeongduk Kim | XXX International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino 2022 - Seoul | conference proceedings neutrinoconf | |||
2024 | C. Brofferio, G. Ranucci | XXXI International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino 2024 - Milano | conference proceedings neutrinoconf |