This selected bibliography on neutrinos of more than 750 references has not the ambition to be exhaustive. The philosophy is : a) to be as complete as possible on the main “historical” papers; b) to quote the most important achievements in each domain of neutrino physics or astrophysics; c) to quote the review articles (Reviews of Modern Physics, Physics Reports,…) dealing with neutrinos ; d) to quote the proceedings of the major conferences; e) to quote some outreach (articles or books).
You can search in the full bibliography by typing anything (like the year) or one or several words in the Search window. It is also possible to sort out by columns. Useful suggested keywords :
- mass / numbernu / properties / detection
- cosmological / solar / supernova / reactor / geoneutrino / atmospheric / vhe (for very high energy) / accelerator / neutralc (for neutral currents)
- betadecay / doublebeta / oscillation / msw / theory / falsepath / majorana / pontecorvo
- proceedings / neutrinoconf (Neutrino Conferences) / winconf (Weak Interaction and Neutrino Workshops) / nowconf (Neutrino Oscillation Workshops)
- book / review / rmp (for review of modern physics) / physrep (for physics reports) / annualrev (for annual review of nuclear science) / progpn (for progress in particle and nuclear physics)
- historical (historical paper) / history (paper dealing with neutrino history) / outreach / bibliography
Year | Author(s) | Title | Reference | Key-words | ||
1896 | H. Becquerel | 1) Sur les radiations émises par phosphorescence; 2) Sur les radiations invisibles émises par les corps phosphorescents | Comptes-Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences, 122 (1896) 420 (24 février 1896) & Comptes-Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences, 122 (1896) 501 (2 mars 1896) - Details in a paper, in French, by J.L. Basdevant The first paper is translated in English in « A. Pais, Inward Bound, Oxford University Press, 1986 | historical betadecay milestonebib overviewbib prehistbib | ||
1914 | J. Chadwick | Intensitatsverteilung im magnetischen spektrum der beta-strahlen von radium B+C | Verhandlungen der deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft 16 (1914) 383 | historical betadecay milestonebib overviewbib prehistbib energybib plotbib | ||
1927 | C.D. Ellis and W.A. Wooster | The Average Energy of Disintegration of Radium E | Proc. Roy. Soc. A 117 (1927) 109 | historical betadecay milestonebib overviewbib prehistbib oscbib energybib plotbib | ||
1929 | R. d'E. Atkinson and F.G. Houtermans | Zur Frage der Aufbaumöglichtkeit der Elementen in Sternen | Z. Phys. 54 (1929) 656 | historical solar solarbib | ||
1930 | W. Pauli | Dear radioactive ladies and gentlemen | Pauli to L. Meitner (in German) , English translation by K. Rieselmann, French translation | historical milestonebib overviewbib prehistbib energybib | ||
1932 | J. Chadwick | Possible existence of a neutron | Nature 129 (1932) 312 | historical milestonebib overviewbib | ||
1933 | E. Fermi | Tentativo di una teoria dell’emissione dei raggi beta | Ricerca Scientifica 4 (1933) 491 - Reprint in ”Enrico Fermi, Collected papers, vol. I, The University of Chicago Press” | historical betadecay milestonebib overviewbib prehistbib | ||
1933 | W. Pauli | Discussion du rapport de M. Heisenberg « Structure et propriétés des noyaux atomiques » | 7ème Conseil Physique Solvay, Bruxelles, 1933, Gautier-Villars (1934) p. 324 | historical milestonebib overviewbib prehistbib energybib | ||
1933 | F. Perrin | Possibilité d’émission de particules neutres de masse intrinsèque nulle dans les radioactivités beta | Comptes-Rendus 197 (1933) 1625 | historical properties prehistbib propbib | ||
1934 | E. Fermi | Tentativo di una teoria dei raggi beta | Nuovo Cimento 11 (1934) 1 - Reprint in ”Enrico Fermi, Collected papers, vol. I, The University of Chicago Press” | historical betadecay | ||
1934 | F. Perrin | La dissymétrie des spectres beta positifs et négatifs et la masse intrinsèque du neutrino ou ergon | Comptes-Rendus 198 (1934) 2086 | historical properties prehistbib propbib | ||
1934 | E. Fermi | Versuch einer theorie der beta-strahlen | Z. Phys. 88 (1934) 161 - English translation: Fred L. Wilson, Fermi's Theory of Beta Decay, American Journal of Physics 36, 1150 (1968) | historical betadecay | ||
1934 | J. Chadwick and D.E. Lea | Attempt to detect a neutral particle of small mass | Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 30 (1934) 59 | historical properties detection | ||
1934 | H. Bethe and R. Peierls | The neutrino | Nature 133 (1934) 532 | historical properties detection milestonebib overviewbib prehistbib discovbib | ||
1934 | W. Baade and F. Zwicky | On super-novae | Proc. of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 20 (1934) 254 , Proc. of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 20 (1934) 259 | historical supernova overviewbib | ||
1935 | H. Bethe | Ionization power of a neutrino with magnetic moment | Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 31 (1935) 108 | historical properties detection | ||
1935 | M. Goeppert-Mayer | Double-beta disintegration | Phys. Rev. 48 (1935) 512 | historical doublebeta overviewbib propbib | ||
1935 | W.J. Henderson | The mass of the neutrino | Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 31 (1935) 285 | historical properties detection | ||
1935 | M.E. Nahmias | An attempt to detect the neutrino | Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 31 (1935) 99 | historical properties detection discovbib | ||
1936 | H.A. Bethe and R.F. Bacher | Nuclear Physics. A: Stationary States of Nuclei | Rev. Mod. Phys. 8 (1936) 82 | historical rmp | ||
1937 | Ettore Majorana | Teoria simmetrica dell’elettrone e del positrone | Nuovo Cimento 14 (1937) 171 | historical properties majorana milestonebib overviewbib propbib | ||
1937 | G. Racah | Sulla simmetria tra particelle e antiparticelle | Nuovo Cimento 14 (1937) 322 | historical properties majorana overviewbib propbib | ||
1937 | C.F. von Weizsäcker | Über Elementumwandlungen im Innern der Sterne | Physikalisches Zeitschrift 38 (1937) 176 - "On the transformation of elements in the core of stars" | historical solar solarbib | ||
1938 | H.A. Bethe and C.L. Critchfield | The formation of deuterons by proton combination | Phys. Rev. 54 (1938) 248 | historical solar overviewbib solarbib | ||
1938 | H.R. Crane and J. Halpern | The experimental evidence for the existence of a neutrino | Phys. Rev. 53 (1938) 789 | historical detection discovbib | ||
1939 | W.H. Furry | On transition probabilities in double-beta disintegration | Phys. Rev. 56 (1939) 1184 | historical doublebeta propbib | ||
1939 | H.A. Bethe | Energy production in stars | Phys. Rev. 55 (1939) 434 | historical solar milestonebib overviewbib solarbib | ||
1940 | G. Gamow and M. Schoenberg | The Possible Role of Neutrinos in Stellar Evolution | Phys. Rev. 58 (1940) 1117 | historical supernova | ||
1941 | G. Gamow and M. Schoenberg | Neutrino theory of stellar collapse | Phys. Rev. 59 (1941) 539 | historical supernova milestonebib overviewbib supernbib | ||
1942 | J.S. Allen | Experimental evidence for the existence of a neutrino | Phys. Rev. 61 (1942) 692 | historical detection discovbib | ||
1946 | B. Pontecorvo | Inverse beta process | Report PD-205 of the National Research Council of Canada, Division of Atomic Energy, Chalk River, Ontario, Nov. 13, 1946 (available in *Winter, K. (ed.): Neutrino physics*, p.25, in *Pontecorvo, B.: Selected scientific works*, p. 21, in *Bahcall, J.N. (ed.) et al.: Solar neutrinos* 97-106) - Reprint in “Neutrino Physics”, ed. by K. Winter, Cambridge University Press, 1991 | historical detection milestonebib overviewbib discovbib nuantinubib | ||
1947 | E. Fireman | Double beta decay | Phys. Rev. 74 (1948) 1238 - Minutes of the APS meeting in Washington (April 29 to May 1, 1948) | historical doublebeta | ||
1947 | E.J. Konopinsky | 3H and the mass of the neutrino | Phys. Rev. 72 (1947) 518 | historical properties mass propbib | ||
1947 | B. Pontecorvo | Nuclear capture of mesons and the meson decay | Phys. Rev. 72 (1947) 246 | historical properties detection | ||
1948 | K. Way and E.P. Wigner | The rate of decay of fission products | Phys. Rev. 73 (1948) 1318 | reactor reactorbib | ||
1948 | J.S. Allen | The Search for the Neutrino through Nuclear Recoil Experiments | Am . J. Phys. 16, 451, December, 1948 | historical detection | ||
1948 | H.R. Crane | The energy and momentum relations in the beta-decay and the search for the neutrino | Rev. Mod. Phys. 20 (1948) 278 | review rmp betadecay | ||
1948 | G. Gamow | The reality of neutrinos | Physics Today 1, 3, 4 (1948) | historical | ||
1949 | G.C. Hanna and B. Pontecorvo | The beta spectrum of 3H | Phys. Rev. 75 (1949) 983 | historical betadecay mass propbib | ||
1949 | L.W. Alvarez | A proposed Experimental Test of the Neutrino Theory | UCRL Report 328 (1949) | historical detection discovbib nuantinubib | ||
1949 | E.L. Fireman | A measurement of the half-life of double-beta decay of Sn124 | Phys. Rev. 75 (1949) 323 | historical doublebeta propbib | ||
1949 | S.C. Curran, J. Angus and A.L. Cockroft | The beta spectrum of tritium | Phys. Rev. 76 (1949) 853 | historical betadecay mass propbib | ||
1950 | Mark G. Inghram and John H. Reynolds | Double-beta decay of 130Te | Phys. Rev. 78 (1950) 822 | historical doublebeta propbib | ||
1952 | L.M. Langer and R.J.D. Moffat | The beta spectrum of tritium and the mass of the neutrino | Phys. Rev. 88 (1952) 689 | historical betadecay mass propbib | ||
1952 | George W. Rodeback and James S. Allen | Neutrino recoils following the capture of orbital electrons in 37Ar | Phys. Rev. 86 (1952) 446 - Reprint in “Neutrino Physics”, ed. by K. Winter, Cambridge University Press, 1991 | historical detection | ||
1953 | D.R. Hamilton, W.P. Alford and L. Gross | Upper limits on the neutrino mass from the tritium beta spectrum | Phys. Rev. 92 (1953) 1521 | historical mass propbib | ||
1953 | F. Reines and C.L. Cowan | Detection of the free neutrino | Phys. Rev. 92 (1953) 830 | historical detection milestonebib overviewbib discovbib reactorbib plotbib | ||
1953 | E.E. Salpeter | Energy production in stars | Ann. Rev. Nucl. Sci. 2 (1953) 41 | review annualrev solar | ||
1955 | Raymond Davis Jr. | Attempt to Detect the Antineutrino from a Nuclear Reactor by the 37Cl(neutrino,e-)37Ar reaction | Phys. Rev. 97 (1955) 766 | historical properties detection numbernu discovbib solarbib nuantinubib | ||
1956 | M.E. Nahmias | Le neutrino – Mise au point de l’état actuel du problème | CNRS | book history | ||
1956 | Frederick Reines and Clyde Cowan jr. | The neutrino | Nature 178 (1956) 446 | historical detection milestonebib overviewbib discovbib reactorbib plotbib | ||
1956 | W.H. Barkas et al. | Mass-ratio method applied to the measurement of the L-meson masses and the energy balance in pion decay | Phys. Rev. 101 (1956) 778 | historical mass propbib | ||
1956 | C.L. Cowan, F. Reines, F.B. Harrison, H.W. Cruse and A.D. McGuire | Detection of the free neutrino: a confirmation | Science 124 (1956) 103, July 20, 1956 - Reprint in “Neutrino Physics”, ed. by K. Winter, Cambridge University Press, 1991 | historical detection milestonebib overviewbib discovbib reactorbib plotbib | ||
1956 | T.D. Lee and C.N. Yang | Question of Parity Conservation in Weak Interactions | Phys. Rev. 104 (1956) 254 | historical properties milestonebib discovbib propbib | ||
1957 | L.D. Landau | On the conservation laws for weak interaction | Nucl. Phys. 3 (1957) 127 | historical properties propbib | ||
1957 | C.S. Wu, E. Ambler, R.W. Hayward, D.D. Hoppes, R.P. Hudson | Experimental test of parity conservation in beta decay | Phys. Rev. 105 (1957) 1413 | historical properties betadecay milestonebib overviewbib discovbib propbib | ||
1957 | A. Salam | On parity conservation and neutrino mass | Nuovo Cimento 5 (1957) 299 | historical properties propbib | ||
1957 | F. Reines, C.L. Cowan | Neutrino Physics | Physics Today 10, August 1957, 12 | history properties detection | ||
1957 | B. Pontecorvo | Inverse beta processes and nonconservation of lepton charge | Soviet Physics JETP 7 (1958) 172 ; ZETF 34 (1957) 247 | historical properties milestonebib overviewbib oscbib | ||
1957 | T.D. Lee and C.N. Yang | Parity non-conservation and a two-component theory of the neutrino | Phys. Rev. 105 (1957) 1671 | historical properties milestonebib overviewbib discovbib propbib | ||
1957 | W. Pauli | On the earlier and more recent history of the neutrino | Physik und Erkenntnistheorie p. 156, Fried, Vieweg and Sohn, Braunschweig/Wiesbaden, 1984 - Reprint in “Neutrino Physics”, ed. by K. Winter, Cambridge University Press, 1991 | history | ||
1957 | John Klauder and John A. Wheeler | On the Question of a Neutrino Analog to Electric Charge | Rev. Mod. Phys. 29 (1957) 516 | review rmp properties | ||
1957 | M. Goldhaber, L. Grodzins, A. Sunyar | Evidence for Circular Polarization of Bremsstrahlung Produced by Beta Rays | Phys. Rev. 106 (1957) 826 | historical properties | ||
1957 | Richard L. Garwin, Leon M. Lederman and Marcel Weinrich | Observations of the failure of conservation of parity and charge conjugation in meson decays | Phys. Rev. 105 (1957) 1415 | historical properties betadecay milestonebib overviewbib discovbib propbib | ||
1957 | C.L. Cowan and F. Reines | Test of neutrino-antineutrino identity | Phys. Rev. 106 (1957) 825 | historical properties | ||
1957 | E.M. Burbidge, G.R. Burbidge, W.A. Fowler and F. Hoyle | Synthesis of the Elements in Stars | Rev. Mod. Phys. 29 (1957) 547 | review rmp | ||
1957 | Dieter R. Brill and John A. Wheeler | Interaction of Neutrinos and Gravitational Fields | Rev. Mod. Phys. 29 (1957) 465 | review rmp properties | ||
1957 | G. Askaryan | Hydrodynamic radiation from the tracks of ionizing particles in stable liquids | Sov. J. Atom. Energy 3 (1957) 921 | historical detection vhebib | ||
1958 | J.S. Allen | The neutrino | Princeton University Press - Review by A.H. Snell, Physics Today 11, 11, 36 (1958) | book history | ||
1958 | R.P. Feynman and M. Gell-Mann | Theory of the Fermi interaction | Phys. Rev. 109 (1958) 193 | historical theorybib | ||
1958 | M. Goldhaber, L. Grodzins, A. Sunyar | Helicity of neutrinos | Phys. Rev. 109 (1958) 1015 | historical properties milestonebib overviewbib discovbib propbib theorybib plotbib | ||
1958 | L. Grodzins | Lifetime of a 1- level in 152Sm | Phys. Rev. 109 (1958) 1014 | historical properties discovbib propbib theorybib | ||
1959 | C.S. Wu | Parity Experiments in Beta Decays | Rev. Mod. Phys. 31 (1959) 783 | review rmp properties betadecay | ||
1959 | B. Pontecorvo | Electron and muon neutrinos | Soviet Physics JETP 10 (1960) 1236 ; J. Exp. Theoret. Phys. 37 (1959) 1751 - Submitted July 9, 1959 - Reprint in “Neutrino Physics”, ed. by K. Winter, Cambridge University Press, 1991 | historical numbernu numubib overviewbib plotbib | ||
1959 | B. Pontecorvo | The universal Fermi interaction and astrophysics | Soviet Physics JETP 9 (1960) 1148 , J. Exp. Theoret. Phys. 36 (1959) 1615 | historical properties | ||
1959 | James S. Allen | Determination of the Beta-Decay Interaction from Electron-Neutrino Angular Correlation Experiments | Rev. Mod. Phys. 31 (1959) 791 | review rmp properties betadecay | ||
1959 | E.J. Konopinsky | The experimental clarification of the laws of beta-radioactivity | Ann. Rev. Nucl. Sci. 9 (1959) 99 | review annualrev betadecay | ||
1960 | G. Bernardini | The program of “neutrino experiments” at CERN | Proc. 10th Int. Conf. on High-Energy Physics, Rochester, 1960, p. 581 | historical accelerator numubib | ||
1960 | Kenneth Greisen | Cosmic ray showers | Ann. Rev. Nucl. Sci. 10 (1960) 63 - “Fanciful though this proposal seems, we suspect that within the next decade, cosmic ray neutrino detection will become one of the tools of physics and astronomy” | review annualrev atmospheric atmosbib | ||
1960 | T.D. Lee and C.N. Yang | Theoretical discussions of possible high-energy neutrino experiments | Phys. Rev. Lett. 4 (1960) 307 | historical numbernu | ||
1960 | M.A. Markov | On high energy neutrino physics | Proc. 10th Int. Conf. on High-Energy Physics, Rochester, 1960, p. 579 | historical vhe milestonebib overviewbib atmosbib vhebib | ||
1960 | Frederick Reines | Neutrino interactions | Ann. Rev. Nucl. Sci. 10 (1960) 1 | review annualrev properties atmosbib | ||
1960 | M. Schwartz | Feasibility of using high energy neutrinos to study the weak interactions | Phys. Rev. Lett. 4 (1960) 306 - Submitted Feb. 23, 1960 - Reprint in “Neutrino Physics”, ed. by K. Winter, Cambridge University Press, 1991 | historical numbernu numubib overviewbib plotbib | ||
1960 | John Updike | Cosmic Gall | New Yorker, December 1960, p. 36 | outreach | ||
1961 | S. Van der Meer | A directive device for charged particles and its use in an enhanced neutrino beam | CERN-61-07, 1961 - First idea on the magnetic horn for designing neutrino beams | historical accelerator accelbib | ||
1961 | B. Pontecorvo and Ya. Smorodinskii | The neutrino and the density matter in the Universe | Soviet Physics JETP 14 (1962) 173 – J. Exp. Theoret. Phys. 41 (1961) 239 | historical | ||
1961 | S.L. Glashow | Partial symmetries of weak interactions | Nucl. Phys. 22 (1961) 579 | theorybib | ||
1961 | M. Markov and I. Zheleznykh | On high energy neutrino physics in cosmic rays | Nucl. Phys. 27 (1961) 385 | historical vhe | ||
1961 | H.Y. Chiu | Annihilation process of neutrino production in stars | Phys. Rev. 123 (1961) 1040 | supernova supernbib | ||
1962 | G. Askaryan | Excess negative charge of an electron-photon shower and its coherent radio emission | Sov. Phys. JETP 14 (1962) 441 | historical vhe detection vhebib | ||
1962 | G. Danby, J.M. Gaillard, K. Goulianos, L.M. Lederman, N. Mistry, M. Schwartz and J. Steinberger | Observation of high energy neutrino reactions and the existence of two kinds of neutrinos | Phys. Rev. Lett. 9 (1962) 36 - Reprint in “Neutrino Physics”, ed. by K. Winter, Cambridge University Press, 1991 | historical numbernu milestonebib overviewbib numubib accelbib plotbib | ||
1962 | Z. Maki, M. Nakagawa and S. Sakata | Remarks on the Unified Model of Elementary Particles | Progress of Theoretical Physics 28 (1962) 870 | historical oscillation theory milestonebib overviewbib oscbib | ||
1962 | E. Segrè, ed. | The collected papers of Enrico Fermi | University of Chicago Press | book history | ||
1962 | S. Weinberg | Universal neutrino degeneracy | Phys. Rev. 128 (1962) 1457 | historical properties cosmological cosmobib | ||
1962 | G.T. Zatsepin and V.A. Kuzmin | Neutrino production in the atmosphere | Sov. Phys. JETP 14 (1962) 1294 | historical atmospheric atmosbib | ||
1963 | M.G. Menon et al. | On the possibility of experiments with natural neutrinos deep underground | Phys. Lett. 5 (1963) 272; also Nuovo Cimento 30 (1963) 1208 | historical atmospheric atmosbib | ||
1963 | T.D. Lee, H. Robinson, M. Schwartz and R. Cool | Intensity of upward muon flux due to cosmic ray neutrinos produced in the atmosphere | Phys. Rev. 132 (1963) 1297 | historical atmospheric atmosbib | ||
1963 | Gerald Feinberg and Leon M. Lederman | The physics of muons and muon-neutrinos | Ann. Rev. Nucl. Sci. 13 (1963) 431 | review annualrev properties | ||
1964 | L.M. Lederman | Present neutrino experiments | XXXII International School of Physics “Enrico Fermi”, Varenna, 1964, Academic Press 1966, p.176 (first two pages) For the full article (3.9 Mo) | proceedings accelerator | ||
1964 | C.S. Wu | Beta-decay | XXXII International School of Physics “Enrico Fermi”, Varenna, 1964, Academic Press 1966, p.52 (first two pages) For the full article (14.8 Mo) | proceedings betadecay | ||
1964 | M. Schwartz | Neutrino experiments | XXXII International School of Physics “Enrico Fermi”, Varenna, 1964, Academic Press 1966, p.161 (first two pages) For the full article (6.0 Mo) | proceedings accelerator | ||
1964 | T.D. Lee | Theoretical survey of high-energy neutrino interactions | XXXII International School of Physics “Enrico Fermi”, Varenna, 1964, Academic Press 1966, p.142 (first two pages) For the full article (5.1 Mo) | proceedings | ||
1964 | T.D. Lee, director | Weak interactions and high-energy neutrino physics | XXXII International School of Physics “Enrico Fermi”, Varenna, 1964, Academic Press 1966 | proceedings | ||
1964 | T. D. Lee and A. Sirlin | Possible Method of Determining the Moment of Charge of νe | Rev. Mod. Phys. 36 (1964) 666 | review rmp properties | ||
1964 | J.N. Bahcall | Solar neutrinos. I. Theoretical | Phys. Rev. Lett. 12 (1964) 300 | historical solar overviewbib solarbib | ||
1964 | R. Davis, Jr. | Solar neutrinos. II. Experimental | Phys. Rev. Lett. 12 (1964) 303 | historical solar overviewbib solarbib nuantinubib | ||
1964 | M.M. Block et al. | Neutrino interactions in the CERN heavy liquid bubble chamber | Phys. Lett. 12 (1964) 281 | historical accelerator numubib plotbib | ||
1964 | J.K. Bienlein et al | Spark chamber study of high energy neutrino interactions | Phys. Lett. 13 (1964) 80 | historical accelerator numubib | ||
1964 | G. Bernardini | Weak interactions | XXXII International School of Physics “Enrico Fermi”, Varenna, 1964, Academic Press 1966, p.1 (first two pages) For the full article (32 Mo) | proceedings | ||
1964 | G. Bernardini et al. | Search for intermediate boson production in high energy neutrino interactions | Phys. Lett. 13 (1964) 86 | historical accelerator theory numubib | ||
1964 | H. Y. Chiu | Supernovae, neutrinos and neutron stars | Annals of Physics 26 (1964) 364 | supernova supernbib | ||
1965 | G.V. Achar et al. | The Kolar Gold Field neutrino experiment | Proc. 9th Int. Conf. Cosmic Rays, 1965, Vol. 1, p. 1012 | historical atmospheric atmosbib | ||
1965 | G.V. Achar et al. | Detection of muons produced by cosmic ray neutrinos deep underground | Phys. Lett. 18 (1965) 196 | historical atmospheric milestonebib overviewbib atmosbib | ||
1965 | C. Franzinetti, editor | Informal Conference on Experimental Neutrino Physics | CERN, January 1965, CERN 65-32 | proceedings | ||
1965 | T.D. Lee and C.S. Wu | Weak interactions | Ann. Rev. Nucl. Sci. 15 (1965) 381 | review annualrev properties betadecay | ||
1965 | Michel Paty | Etudes d’interactions de neutrinos de grande énergie dans une chambre à bulles à liquide lourd | CERN 65-12, 1965 | historical accelerator plotbib | ||
1965 | F. Reines and A.M. Woods | New approach of the detection of solar neutrinos via inverse beta decay | Phys. Rev. Lett. 14 (1965) 20 | historical solar detection | ||
1965 | F. Reines, M.F. Crouch, T.L. Jenkins, W.R. Kropp, H.S. Gurr, G.R. Schmid, J.P.F. Sellschop, B. Meyer | Evidence for high energy cosmic ray neutrino interactions | Phys. Rev. Lett. 15 (1965) 429 | historical atmospheric milestonebib overviewbib atmosbib vhebib | ||
1966 | G. Eder | Terrestrial neutrinos | Nucl. Phys. 78 (1966) 657 | historical geoneutrino geobib | ||
1966 | V.A. Kuzmin | Detection of solar neutrinos by means of 71Ga(neutrino,e-)71Ge reaction | Sov. Phys. JETP 22 (1966) 1051 | solar detection solarbib | ||
1966 | S.S. Gershtein and Ya. B. Zel’dovich | Rest mass of muonic neutrino and cosmology | JETP Letters 4 (1966) 120 | historical mass cosmological propbib | ||
1966 | It's a spark, it's a pop, it's a neutrino | Physics Today 19, 5, 88 (1966) | outreach | |||
1966 | S.A. Colgate and R.H. White | The hydrodynamic behaviour of supernovae explosions | Astrophysical Journal 143 (1966) 626 | supernova supernbib | ||
1966 | J.N. Bahcall | Solar neutrinos | Phys. Rev. Lett. 17 (1966) 398 | historical solar | ||
1966 | Edoardo Amaldi | Ettore Majorana, man and scientist | Strong and Weak Interactions Present Problems, 1966 Int. School of Physics Ettore Majorana, Erice | proceedings majorana | ||
1966 | Hong-Yee Chiu | Neutrinos in astrophysics and cosmology | Ann. Rev. Nucl. Sci. 16 (1966) 591 | review annualrev cosmological atmospheric vhe | ||
1967 | D. Arnett | Mass dependence in gravitational collapse of stellar cores | Canadian Journal of Physics 45 (1967) 1621 | supernova supernbib | ||
1967 | B. Pontecorvo | Neutrino experiments and the question of leptonic-charge conservation | Soviet Physics JETP 26 (1968) 984 ; ZETF 53 (1967) 1717 | historical oscillation theory milestonebib overviewbib oscbib theorybib | ||
1967 | R.V. Wagoner, W.A. Fowler, F. Hoyle | On the synthesis of elements at very high temperatures | The Astrophysical Journal 148 (1967) 3 | cosmological cosmobib | ||
1967 | S. Weinberg | A model of leptons | Phys. Rev. Lett. 19 (1967) 1264 | theorybib | ||
1968 | Leon M. Lederman | Neutrino Physics | The Physics Teacher 6, 13 (1968) | outreach | ||
1968 | G. Zatsepin | Possibility of determining the upper limit of the neutrino mass from the time of flight | JETP Letters 8 (1968) 205 | historical mass propbib | ||
1968 | Fred L. Wilson | Fermi's Theory of Beta Decay | American Journal of Physics 36, 1150 (1968) - English translation of the classic Enrico Fermi paper on beta decay published in Zeitschrift für Physik in 1934 | historical betadecay theory | ||
1968 | A. Salam | Weak and electromagnetic interactions | Proceedings of the 8th Nobel Symposium, Conf. Proc.C 680519 (1968) 367 | theorybib | ||
1968 | R. Davis, D.S. Harmer, K.C. Hoffman | Search for neutrinos from the Sun | Phys. Rev. Lett. 20 (1968) 1205 | historical solar milestonebib overviewbib nuantinubib plotbib | ||
1968 | T. Kirsten et al. | Experimental evidence for the double-beta decay of 130Te | Phys. Rev. Lett. 20 (1968) 1300 | historical doublebeta propbib | ||
1968 | J.N. Bahcall, N.A. Bahcall and G. Shaviv | Present status of the theoretical predictions for the 37Cl solar neutrino experiment | Phys. Rev. Lett. 20 (1968) 1209 | historical solar | ||
1968 | Anonymous | Reines Delves Deeper In His Search for Neutrinos | Physics Today 21, 7, 73 (1968) | outreach atmospheric | ||
1968 | Anonymous | Neutrino Flux from Sun Is Lower than Expected | Physics Today 21, 3, 73 (1968) | historical outreach solar | ||
1969 | J.S. Bell, editor | Topical Conference on Weak Interactions | CERN Report 69-07, 1969 | proceedings | ||
1969 | G. Marx | Geophysics by neutrinos | Czech. J. Phys. B 19 (1969) 1471 | historical geoneutrino geobib | ||
1969 | Isaac Asimov | The neutrino, ghost particle of the atom | Avon Books - French translation “Une particule fantôme, le neutrino”, Dunod, 1970 | book outreach | ||
1969 | V. Gribov and B. Pontecorvo | Neutrino astronomy and lepton charge | Phys. Lett. B28 (1969) 493 | historical oscillation theory oscbib | ||
1969 | J.B.M. Pattison, C.A. Ramm, W.A. Venus, editors | Neutrino meeting | CERN, 13-14 January 1969, CERN Report 69-28 - Most on neutrino beams at CERN, but also Kolar Gold experiment and Neutrinos from stellar collapses | proceedings | ||
1970 | G. M. Lewis | Neutrinos | Wykeham, London | book history | ||
1970 | Argonne Laboratory | The neutrino event | ; | plotbib | ||
1970 | D.C. Cundy et al. | Upper limits for diagonal and neutral current couplings in the CERN neutrino experiments | Phys. Lett. B31 (1970) 478 | accelerator neutralc | ||
1970 | L. Lederman | Resource Letter Neu-1 History of the Neutrino | American Journal of Physics 38 (1970) 129 | bibliography | ||
1971 | E.H.S. Burhop, editor | Proceedings of the meeting on future experiments with Gargamelle | London, 3-4 June 1971 - Report CERN-TCC/71-31 | proceedings neutralc theory accelerator | ||
1971 | M.R. Krishnaswamy et al. | The Kolar Gold Field neutrino experiment. 1. The interaction of cosmic ray neutrinos | Proc. Roy. Soc. (A) 323 (1971) 489 | atmospheric atmosbib | ||
1971 | F. Reines et al. | Muons produced by atmospheric neutrinos: Experiment | Phys. Rev. D4 (1971) 80 and Phys. Rev. D4 (1971) 99 | atmospheric atmosbib | ||
1971 | A.W. Wolfendale | The search for the neutrino | University of Durham | book history | ||
1972 | Gloria B. Lubkin | The case of the missing solar neutrinos | Physics Today 25, 8, 17 (1972) | outreach solar | ||
1972 | D. H. Perkins | Neutrino interactions | Proc. of the 16th Int. Conf. On High-Energy Physics, Batavia (1972), vol. 4, p.189 | proceedings plotbib | ||
1972 | C.H. Llewellyn-Smith | Neutrino reactions at accelerator energies | Physics Reports 3 (1972) 261 | review physrep accelerator properties | ||
1972 | A. Frenkel, G. Marx | 1st International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino'72 - Budapest | conference proceedings neutrinoconf history | |||
1972 | R. Cowsik and J. McClelland | An upper limit on the neutrino rest mass | Phys. Rev. Lett. 29 (1972) 669 | mass propbib | ||
1972 | K. Bergkvist | A high-luminosity, high-resolution study of the end-point behaviour of the tritium beta-spectrum | Nucl. Phys. B39 (1972) 317 | mass propbib | ||
1973 | F.J. Hasert et al. | Search for elastic muon-neutrino electron scattering | Phys. Lett. B46 (1973) 121 – Received Jul. 2, 1973 | historical accelerator neutralc milestonebib overviewbib accelbib plotbib | ||
1973 | F.J. Hasert et al. | Observation of neutrino-like interactions without muon or electron in the Gargamelle neutrino experiment | Phys. Lett. B46 (1973) 138 – Received July 23, 1973 | historical accelerator neutralc milestonebib overviewbib accelbib plotbib | ||
1973 | Virginia Trimble and Frederick Reines | The Solar Neutrino Problem—A Progress(?) Report | Rev. Mod. Phys. 45 (1973) 1 | review rmp solar | ||
1973 | Win1973 | 1st Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions with Very High Energy Beams, Billingehus, Sweden | conference proceedings winconf | |||
1974 | A. Rousset | Neutral Currents | AIP Conference Proceedings 22, 141 (1974) | review accelerator neutralc | ||
1974 | Win1974 | 2nd Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions with Very High Energy Beams, Strobl - St. Wolfgang, Austria | conference proceedings winconf | |||
1974 | A. De. Rújula, Howard Georgi, S. L. Glashow, and Helen R. Quinn | Fact and fancy in neutrino physics | Rev. Mod. Phys. 46 (1974) 391 | review rmp | ||
1974 | A.S. Szalay and G. Marx | Limits on the rest masses from big bang cosmology | Acta Physica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 35 (1974) 113 | mass cosmological propbib | ||
1974 | R.Opher | Coherent Scattering of Cosmic Neutrinos | Astron. & Astrophys. 37 (1974) 135 | cosmological detection cosmobib | ||
1974 | T.J. Mazurek | Degeneracy effects of neutrino mass ejection in supernovae | Nature 252 (1974) 287 | supernova supernbib | ||
1974 | Barbara G. Levi | Neutrino interactions may explain supernova explosions | Physics Today 27, 6, 17 (1974) | outreach supernova supernbib | ||
1974 | A. Benvenuti et al. | Observation of Muonless Neutrino-induced Inelastic Interactions | Phys. Rev. Lett. 32 (1974) 800 | accelerator neutralc accelbib | ||
1975 | M.L. Perl et al. | Evidence for anomalous lepton production in e+e- interactions | Phys. Rev. Lett. 35 (1975) 1489 | historical numbernu milestonebib overviewbib nutaubib | ||
1975 | K. Sato | Supernova explosion and neutral currents of weak interaction | Prog. of Theor. Phys. 54 (1975) 1325 | supernova supernbib | ||
1975 | Leonardo Sciascia | La scomparsa di Majorana | Adelphi (1975) [French translation: La disparition de Majorana, Flammarion (1984) / English translation: The Moro affair and the mystery of Majorana, Carcanet (1987)] | book majorana | ||
1975 | L. Stodolsky | Speculations on Detection of the “Neutrino Sea” | Phys. Rev. Lett. 34 (1975) 110 | cosmological detection cosmobib | ||
1975 | Win1975 | 3rd Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions with Very High Energy Beams, Colombus, Ohio | conference proceedings winconf | |||
1976 | Win1976 | 4th Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions with Very High Energy Beams, Trieste, Italy | conference proceedings winconf | |||
1976 | A. Roberts, ed. | DUMAND-76 | Proc. 1976 DUMAND Summer Workshop, September 1976, Hawaii | vhe detection proceedings vhebib overviewbib | ||
1976 | R.S. Raghavan | Inverse beta-decay of 115In→115Sn*: a new possibility for detecting solar neutrinos from the proton-proton reaction | Phys. Rev. Lett. 37 (1976) 259 | solar detection | ||
1976 | H. Faissner, H. Reithler, P.M. Zerwas, ed. | V International Neutrino Conference - Neutrino 76 - Aachen | Braunschweig Vieweg (1977) | conference proceedings neutrinoconf | ||
1976 | J.N. Bahcall and R. Davis | Solar Neutrinos: A Scientific Puzzle | Science 191 (1976) 264 | solar review plotbib | ||
1977 | M.L. Perl et al. | Properties of the proposed tau charged lepton | Phys. Lett. B70 (1977) 487 | historical numbernu nutaubib | ||
1977 | D. Cline and W.F. Fry | Neutrino scattering and new-particle production | Ann. Rev. Nucl. Sci. 27 (1977) 209 | review annualrev accelerator | ||
1977 | Daniel Z. Freedman, David N. Schramm and David L. Tubbs | The weak neutral current and its effect on the stellar collapse | Ann. Rev. Nucl. Sci. 27 (1977) 167 | review annualrev supernova neutralc | ||
1977 | P. Minkowski | Muon decay into electron and gamma at a rate of one out of 1 billion muon decays | Phys. Lett. B67 (1977) 421 | historical mass theory milestonebib overviewbib propbib theorybib | ||
1977 | David N. Schramm and Robert V. Wagoner | Element production in the early Universe | Ann. Rev. Nucl. Sci. 27 (1977) 37 | review annualrev cosmological | ||
1977 | Gary Steigman, David N. Schramm and James E. Gunn | Cosmological limits to the number of massive leptons | Phys. Lett. B66 (1977) 202 | cosmological numbernu cosmobib | ||
1977 | Win1977 | 5th Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions with Very High Energy Beams, Kobe, Japan | conference proceedings winconf | |||
1978 | L. Wolfenstein | Neutrino oscillations in matter | Phys. Rev. D17 (1978) 2369 | historical oscillation msw milestonebib overviewbib oscbib | ||
1978 | Win1978 | 6th Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions, Ames, Iowa | conference proceedings winconf | |||
1978 | P. Musset, J.P. Vialle | Neutrino Physics with Gargamelle | Physics Reports 39 (1978) 1 | review physrep accelerator properties neutralc | ||
1978 | M.F. Crouch et al. | Cosmic ray muon fluxes deep underground: intensity versus depth and the neutrino induced component | Phys. Rev. D18 (1978) 2239 | atmospheric atmosbib | ||
1978 | E.C. Fowler, ed. | VI International Conference on Neutrinos - Neutrino 78 - Purdue | Purdue University | conference proceedings neutrinoconf | ||
1978 | L.M. Brown | The idea of the neutrino | Physics Today 31, 9, 23 (1978) | outreach | ||
1978 | B.C. Barish | Experimental aspects of high energy neutrino physics | Physics Reports 39 (1978) 279 | review physrep accelerator | ||
1978 | John N. Bahcall et al. | Proposed solar neutrino experiment using Ga-71 | Phys. Rev. Lett. 40 (1978) 1351 | solar detection solarbib | ||
1978 | John N. Bahcall | Solar neutrino experiments | Rev. Mod. Phys. 50 (1978) 881 | review rmp solar | ||
1978 | S. Bilenky and B. Pontecorvo | Lepton mixing and neutrino oscillations | Physics Reports 41 (1978) 225 | review physrep properties oscillation | ||
1979 | F. Reines | Reminiscences: The Early Days of Experimental Neutrino Physics | AIP Conference Proceedings 52, 1 (1979) | history | ||
1979 | S. Weinberg | Baryon and lepton non conserving processes | Phys. Rev. Lett. 43 (1979) 1566 | theorybib | ||
1979 | F. Sciulli | An experimenter’s history of neutral currents | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 2 (1979) 41 | review progpn accelerator neutralc history | ||
1979 | T. Yanagida | Horizontal symmetry and masses of neutrinos | Prog. of Theor. Phys. 64 (1980) 1103 & "Horizontal gauge symmetry and masses of neutrinos" in Workshop on Unified Theory and Baryon Number in the Universe, February 1979, O. Sawada and A. Sugamoto editors, KEK, Tsukuba (1979) | historical mass theory milestonebib overviewbib propbib | ||
1979 | F. Reines | The Early Days of Experimental Neutrino Physics | Science 203 (1979) 11 | history | ||
1979 | A. Haatuft, C. Jarlskog, ed. | VII International Conference on Neutrinos, Weak Interactions and Cosmology - Neutrino 79 - Bergen | Bergen University ; | conference proceedings neutrinoconf | ||
1979 | S.L. Glashow | The future of elementary particle physics | Cargèse lectures, July 1979, in Quarks and Leptons, Plenum Press, 1980, p. 687 | theorybib | ||
1979 | M. Gell-Mann, P. Ramond and R. Slansky | Complex Spinors and Unified Theories | arXiv:1306.4669Supergravity, ed. by D. Freedman and P. van Nieuwenhuizen, North-Holland (1979) p. 315, retro-print & arXiv:hep-ph/9809459Talk by P. Ramond "The family group and Grand Unified Theories" at the 19th Sanibel Symposium, February 1979, retro-print | historical mass theory milestonebib overviewbib propbib theorybib | ||
1979 | F. J. Kelly, A. W. Sàenz, and H. Üerall | Telecommunication by high-energy neutrino beams | AIP Conference Proceedings 52, 113 (1979) | accelerator | ||
1980 | B. Pontecorvo | 50 years of neutrino physics : a few episodes | Proceedings Neutrino'80, Ettore Majorana Int. Sci. Ser. Phys. Sci. 12 (1982), Plenum Press, p.29 | history | ||
1980 | Win1980 | 7th Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions, Balaton, Hungary | conference proceedings winconf | |||
1980 | Emilio Segrè | From X-rays to quarks – Modern physicists and their discoveries | Dover - French translation : Les physiciens modernes et leurs découvertes – Des rayons X aux quarks, Fayard, 1984. One could have expected some pages about the neutrino, but, surprisingly, it is just quoted once and there is nothing interesting about its history. | book outreach | ||
1980 | F. Reines | 50 years of neutrino physics early experiments | Proceedings Neutrino'80, Ettore Majorana Int. Sci. Ser. Phys. Sci. 12 (1982), Plenum Press, p.11 | history | ||
1980 | F. Reines, H.W. Sobel, E. Pasierb | Evidence for neutrino instability | Phys. Rev. Lett. 45 (1980) 1307 | oscillation reactor reactorbib oscbib | ||
1980 | R.N. Mohapatra and G. Senjanovic | Neutrino mass and spontaneous parity nonconservation | Phys. Rev. Lett. 44 (1980) 912 | theorybib | ||
1980 | R. Peierls | The early days of neutrino physics | Proceedings Neutrino'80, Ettore Majorana Int. Sci. Ser. Phys. Sci. 12 (1982), Plenum Press, p.1 | history | ||
1980 | V.A. Lubimov et al. | An estimate of the electron-neutrino mass from the beta-spectrum of tritium in the valine molecule | Phys. Lett. 94B (1980) 266 | mass falsepath propbib | ||
1980 | R.R. Lewis | Coherent detector for low-energy neutrinos | Phys. Rev. D21 (1980) 663 | cosmological detection cosmobib | ||
1980 | E. Fiorini, ed. | VIII International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino 80 - Erice | Ettore Majorana Int. Sci. Ser. Phys. Sci. 12 (1982), Plenum Press ; | conference proceedings neutrinoconf | ||
1980 | F. Boehm et al. | Experimental study of neutrino oscillations at a fission reactor | Phys. Lett. B97 (1980) 310 | oscillation reactor reactorbib | ||
1981 | P.Q. Hung and J.J. Sakurai | The structure of neutral currents | Ann. Rev. Nucl. Sci. 31 (1981) 375 | review annualrev properties neutralc | ||
1981 | P. Renton and W.S.C. Williams | Hadron production in lepton-nucleon scattering | Ann. Rev. Nucl. Sci. 31 (1981) 193 | review annualrev accelerator | ||
1981 | J. Bahcall | Solar neutrinos | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 6 (1981) 111 | review progpn solar | ||
1981 | Thierry J. L. Courvoisier | Neutrinos from electron-positron pair annihilation in supernovae | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 6 (1981) 305 | review progpn supernova | ||
1981 | B.T. Cleveland, R. Davis and J.K. Rowley | Solar neutrino experiments and neutrino oscillations | AIP Conference Proc. 72 (1981) 322 | solar oscillation solarbib | ||
1981 | R.J. Cence, E. Ma, A. Roberts, ed. | IX International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino 81 - Wailea, Hawaii | University of Hawaii | conference proceedings neutrinoconf | ||
1982 | T. Weiler | Resonant absorption of cosmic-ray neutrinos by the relic-neutrino background | Phys. Rev. Lett. 49 (1982) 234 | cosmological detection cosmobib | ||
1982 | J.L. Vuilleumier et al. | New limits on oscillation parameters for electron antineutrinos | Phys. Lett. B114 (1982) 298 - Final results from Gösgen in G. Zacek et al. / Neutrino-oscillation experiments at the Gösgen nuclear power reactor / Phys. Rev. D34 (1986) 2621 | oscillation reactor reactorbib oscbib | ||
1982 | Frederick Reines | Neutrinos to 1960, personal recollections | International Colloquium on the History of Particle Physics, Journal de Physique Colloque C-8, suppl. n° 12, p. 237 | proceedings history | ||
1982 | Bruno Pontecorvo | The infancy and youth of neutrino physics, some recollections | International Colloquium on the History of Particle Physics, Journal de Physique Colloque C-8, suppl. n° 12, p. 221 | proceedings history pontecorvo | ||
1982 | Paris 1982 | International Colloquium on the History of Particle Physics, Paris | International Colloquium on the History of Particle Physics, Journal de Physique Colloque C-8, suppl. n° 12 - Colloquium devoted to the history of particle physice. Several articles devoted to neutrinos | proceedings history | ||
1982 | M.M. Nieto, W. Haxton, C.M. Hoffman, E.W. Kolb, V.D. Sandberg, J.W. Toevs, ed. | Science Underground | Conference in Los Alamos, 1982, AIP Conference Proceedings 96 (1983) - Topics covered include solar neutrinos, proton decay, cosmic rays, geophysics, gravity waves, double beta decay, and possible future research directions with underground detectors | solar supernova atmospheric theory | ||
1982 | A. Morales, ed. | 8th Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos, Javea, Spain | Weak Interactions and Neutrinos, World Scientific, 1983 | conference proceedings winconf | ||
1982 | A. Frenkel, L. Jenik, ed. | X International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino 82 - Balaton | KFKI Budapest | conference proceedings neutrinoconf | ||
1982 | P.I. Frampton and P. Vogel | Massive neutrinos | Physics Reports 82 (1982) 339 | review physrep properties | ||
1982 | H.E. Fisk and F. Sciulli | Charged-current neutrino interactions | Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 32 (1982) 499 | review annualrev accelerator | ||
1982 | G.A. Cowan and W.C. Haxton | Solar neutrino production of technetium-97 and technetium-98 | Science 216 (1982) 51 | solar detection solarbib | ||
1982 | N. Cabibbo and L. Maiani | The Vanishing of order-G Mechanical Effects of Cosmic Massive Neutrinos on Bulk Matter | Phys. Lett. B114 (1982) 115 | cosmological detection cosmobib | ||
1982 | John N. Bahcall and Raymond Davis, Jr. | An account of the development of the solar neutrino problem | "Essays in Nuclear Astrophysics", Cambridge University Press, 1982, edited by C.A. Barnes, D.D. Clayton, D.N. Schramm | review solar history | ||
1982 | J.N. Bahcall, W.F. Huebner, S.H. Lubow, P.D. Parker and R.K. Ulrich | Standard Solar Models and the Uncertainties in Predicted Capture Rates of Solar Neutrinos | Rev. Mod. Phys. 54 (1982) 767 | review rmp solar | ||
1982 | H.B. Anderhub et al. | Determination of an upper limit of the mass of the muonic neutrino from the pion decay in flight | Phys. Lett. B114 (1982) 76 | mass propbib | ||
1982 | Edoardo Amaldi | Beta decays opens the way to weak interactions | International Colloquium on the History of Particle Physics, Journal de Physique Colloque C-8, suppl. n° 12, p. 261 | proceedings history betadecay | ||
1983 | A. de Rujula, S.L. Glashow, R. Wilson, G. Charpak | Neutrino Exploration of the Earth | Physics Reports 99 (1983) 341 | review physrep geoneutrino accelerator geobib | ||
1983 | Win1983 | 9th Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos, Talloires, France | conference proceedings winconf | |||
1983 | P. Langacker | On the detection of cosmological neutrinos by coherent scattering | Phys. Rev. D27 (1983) 1228 | cosmological detection cosmobib | ||
1983 | T.K. Gaisser, T. Stanev, S.A. Bludman and H.S. Lee | The flux of atmospheric neutrinos | Phys. Rev. Lett. 51 (1983) 223 | atmospheric atmosbib | ||
1983 | Gloria B. Lubkin | Less-elusive neutrinos to look for oil and gas deposits | Physics Today 36, 8, 20 (1983) | outreach | ||
1983 | C. Alexander, A. M. Perry, L. H. Levine and L. M. Libby | A solar breeder to explain constant luminosity and the lack of neutrinos | AIP Conference Proceedings 96, 273 (1983) | solar | ||
1983 | L.M. Brown and L. Hoddeson, ed. | The Birth of Particle Physics | Cambridge University Press (1983) | book history | ||
1983 | Peter Galison | How the first neutral current experiments ended | Rev. Mod. Phys. 55 (1983) 477 | review rmp neutralc history | ||
1984 | W.C. Haxton | Solar neutrino spectroscopy | AIP Conference Proceedings 123, 1026 (1984) | solar | ||
1984 | J. Wotschack | Recent results from neutrino oscillation experiments at accelerators | Proc. XI International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino 84, World Scientific, p. 117 (first two pages) For the full article (3.4 Mo) | accelerator oscillation oscbib | ||
1984 | L. Krauss, S.L. Glashow, D.N. Schramm | Antineutrino Astronomy and Geophysics | Nature 310 (1984) 191 | geoneutrino geobib | ||
1984 | K. Kleinknecht, E.A. Paschos, ed. | XI International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino 84 - Nordkirchen - Dortmund | World Scientific | conference proceedings neutrinoconf atmosbib | ||
1984 | G.S. Hurst et al. | Feasibility of a 81Br(neutrino,e-)81Kr solar neutrino experiment | Phys. Rev. Lett. 53 (1984) 1116 | solar detection solarbib | ||
1984 | W.C. Haxton and G.J. Stephenson | Double beta decay | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 12 (1984) 409 | review progpn doublebeta propbib | ||
1984 | F. Dydak et al. | A search for muon-neutrino oscillations in the Dm2 range 0.3-90 eV2 | Phys. Lett. B134 (1984) 281 | oscillation accelerator | ||
1984 | Ching Cheng-rui and Ho Tso-hsiu | On the determination of neutrino mass: a critical status report | Physics Reports 112 (1984) 1 | review physrep properties | ||
1984 | J.F. Cavaignac et al. | Indication for neutrino oscillation from a high statistics experiment at the Bugey reactor | Phys. Lett. B148 (1984) 387 | oscillation reactor reactorbib oscbib | ||
1984 | F. Boehm and P. Vogel | Low-energy neutrino physics and neutrino mass | Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 34 (1984) 125 | review annualrev properties | ||
1984 | F. Bergsma et al. | A search for oscillations of muon neutrinos in an experiment with L/E ~ 0.7 km/GeV | Phys. Lett. B142 (1984) 103 | oscillation accelerator | ||
1984 | E. Amaldi | From the discovery of the neutron to the discovery of nuclear fission | Physics Reports 111 (1984) 1 - See in particular section 3 devoted to the neutrino] [In ref. [277], it is quoted: “The name “neutrino” (a funny and grammatically incorrect contraction of “little neutron” in Italian: neutronino) entered the international terminology through Fermi, who started to use it sometime between the conference in Paris in July 1932 and the Solvay Conference in October 1933 where Pauli used it. The word came out in a humorous conversation at the Istituto di Via Panisperna. Fermi, Amaldi and few other were present and Fermi was explaining Pauli’s hypothesis about his “light neutron”. For distinguishing this particle from the Chadwick neutron Amaldi jokingly used this funny name, - says Occhialini, who recalls of having shortly later told this little story in Cambridge.” | review physrep history | ||
1985 | L.M. Sehgal | Neutral currents, theory and application | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 14 (1985) 1 - Nice review of this new form of weak interaction, 10 years after its discovery | review progpn theory neutralc | ||
1985 | B. Zeitnitz | Low energy neutrino physics at high intensity pulsed protons accelerators | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 13 (1985) 445 | review progpn accelerator | ||
1985 | T. Yamazaki | Neutrino helicities, masses, mixing and oscillation | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 13 (1985) 489 | review progpn properties oscillation | ||
1985 | J.J. Simpson | Evidence for Heavy-Neutrino Emission in Beta-Decay | Phys. Rev. Lett. 54 (1985) 1891 | history falsepath milestonebib 17keVbib | ||
1985 | Win1985 | 10th Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos, Savonlinna, Finland | conference proceedings winconf | |||
1985 | Trevor Pinch | Theory Testing in Science – The case of Solar Neutrinos | Phil. Soc. Sci. 15 (1985) 167-187 - See also the book by T. Pinch (Pin1986) - French translation of an older version: "L’anomalie des neutrinos solaires: comment réagissent les théoriciens et les expérimentateurs?", in “La science telle qu’elle se fait” by Michel Callon and Bruno Latour, Editions La Découverte, 1991 | history outreach | ||
1985 | S.P. Mikheyev and A. Yu. Smirnov | Resonance enhancement of oscillations in matter and solar neutrino spectroscopy | Nuovo Cimento C9 (1986) 17; Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 42 (1985) 913 (in russian) | oscillation msw milestonebib overviewbib oscbib | ||
1985 | F. von Feilitzsch | Neutrino mixing and neutrino oscillations | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 13 (1985) 479 | review progpn properties oscillation | ||
1985 | H.H. Chen | Direct Approach to Resolve the Solar-Neutrino Problem | Phys. Rev. Lett. 55 (1985) 1534 | solar detection solarbib | ||
1985 | S.W. Bruenn | Stellar core collapse - Numerical model and infall epoch | Astrophysical Journal Suppl. Ser. 58 (1985) 771 | supernova supernbib | ||
1986 | J.D. Vergados | The neutrino mass and family, lepton and baryon number non-conservation in gauge theories | Physics Reports 133 (1986) 1 | review physrep properties | ||
1986 | Trevor Pinch | Confronting Nature, The sociology of Solar-Neutrino Detection | Kluwer/Reidel | book history milestonebib | ||
1986 | Abraham Pais | Inward Bound | Oxford University Press | book history | ||
1986 | M. Nakahata et al., Kamiokande collaboration | Atmospheric neutrino background and pion nuclear effect for Kamioka Nucleon Decay experiment | J. Phys. Soc. Jap. 55 (1986) 3786 | atmospheric atmosbib | ||
1986 | Hans Volker Klapdor | Nuclear beta strength, neutrino mass and cosmology | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 17 (1986) 419 | review progpn properties | ||
1986 | T. Kitagaki, H. Yuta, ed. | XII International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino 86 - Sendai | World Scientific | conference proceedings neutrinoconf | ||
1986 | Wolfgang Hillebrandt | Type II supernova models. Nucleosynthesis and isotopic anomalies | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 17 (1986) 215 | review progpn supernova | ||
1986 | T.J. Haines et al. | Calculation of atmospheric neutrino induced backgrounds in a nucleon decay search | Phys. Rev. Lett. 57 (1986) 1986 | atmospheric atmosbib | ||
1986 | M. Fritschi et al. | An upper limit for the mass of electron-antineutrino from tritium beta-decay | Phys. Lett. B173 (1986) 485 | mass propbib | ||
1986 | Amand Faessler | Grand unified theories and the double-beta decay | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 17 (1986) 85 | review progpn theory doublebeta | ||
1986 | M. Diemoz, F. Ferroni and E. Longo | Nucleon structure functions from neutrino scattering | Physics Reports 130 (1986) 293 | review physrep accelerator accelbib | ||
1986 | M. Cribier, W. Hampel, J. Rich and D. Vignaud | MSW regeneration of solar electron-neutrinos in the Earth | Phys. Lett. B182 (1986) 89 | solar msw oscbib | ||
1986 | A. Burrows and J.M. Lattimer | The birth of neutron stars | Astrophysical Journal 307 (1986) 178 | supernova supernbib | ||
1986 | J. Bouchez, M. Cribier, W.Hampel, J. Rich, M. Spiro, D. Vignaud | Matter effects for solar neutrino oscillations | Z. Phys. C32 (1986) 499 | solar msw oscbib | ||
1986 | H.A. Bethe | Possible explanation of the solar neutrino puzzle | Phys. Rev. Lett. 56 (1986) 1305 | solar msw oscbib | ||
1986 | J.N. Bahcall, M. Baldo-Ceolin, D.B. Cline, C. Rubbia | Prediction for a liquid argon solar neutrino detector | Phys. Lett. B178 (1986) 324 | solar detection solarbib | ||
1986 | M.A. Markov, I. Zheleznykh | Large Scale Tcherenkov Detectors in Ocean | Nucl. Instr. and Methods A248 (1986) 242 | vhe | ||
1987 | Win1987 | 11th Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos, Santa Fé, New Mexico | conference proceedings winconf | |||
1987 | A. de Rujula | May a supernova bang twice ? | Phys. Lett. 193 (1987) 514 | supernova supernbib | ||
1987 | R.E. Lanou, H.J. Maris, G.M. Seidl | Detection of solar neutrinos in superfluid helium | Phys. Rev. Lett. 58 (1987) 2498 | solar detection solarbib | ||
1987 | Peter Galison | How experiments end | The University of Chicago - French translation: Ainsi s’achèvent les expériences: une histoire de la physique expérimentale au 20ème siècle, La Découverte, 2002 | book history | ||
1987 | K.S. Hirata et al., Kamiokande collaboration | Observation of a neutrino burst from the supernova SN1987A | Phys. Rev. Lett. 58 (1987) 1490 | historical supernova milestonebib overviewbib supernbib plotbib | ||
1987 | S.M. Bilenky and S.T. Petcov | Massive neutrinos and neutrino oscillations | Rev. Mod. Phys. 59 (1987) 671 | review rmp properties oscillation | ||
1987 | S.R. Elliott, A.A. Hahn and M.K. Moe | Direct evidence for two-neutrino double-beta decay in 82Se | Phys. Rev. Lett. 59 (1987) 2020 | historical doublebeta propbib | ||
1987 | A.J. Baltz and J. Weneser | Effect of transmission through the Earth on neutrino oscillations | Phys. Rev. D35 (1987) 528 | oscillation msw oscbib | ||
1987 | M. Aglietta et al. | On the event observed in the Mont Blanc underground laboratory during the occurrence of supernova 1987A | Europhys. Lett. 3 (1987) 1315 and Europhys. Lett. 3 (1987) 1321 | historical supernova milestonebib supernbib | ||
1987 | G. Aardsma et al. | A heavy water detector to resolve the solar neutrino problem | Phys. Lett. B 194 (1987) 321 | solar detection solarbib | ||
1987 | R.M. Bionta et al., IMB collaboration | Observation of a neutrino burst in coincidence with supernova SN1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud | Phys. Rev. Lett. 58 (1987) 1494 | historical supernova milestonebib overviewbib supernbib plotbib | ||
1988 | K.S. Hirata et al., Kamiokande collaboration | Experimental study of the atmospheric neutrino flux | Phys. Lett. B205 (1988) 416 | atmospheric milestonebib overviewbib atmosbib | ||
1988 | Virginia Trimble | SN1987A : the greatest supernova since Kepler | Rev. Mod. Phys. 60 (1988) 859 | review rmp supernova | ||
1988 | D.N. Spergel and J.N. Bahcall | The mass of the electron neutrino: Monte-Carlo studies of SN 1987A observations | Phys. Lett. B200 (1988) 366 | mass supernova propbib | ||
1988 | J. Schneps, T. Kafka, W.A. Mann, P. Nath, ed. | XIII International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino 1988 - Boston | World Scientific, 1989 | conference proceedings neutrinoconf | ||
1988 | R.G.H. Robertson and D.A. Knapp | Direct measurements of neutrino mass | Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 38 (1988) 185 | review annualrev properties | ||
1988 | F. Reines and J. VanderVelde | Observation on SN1987A by neutrino light | Physics Reports 163 (1988) 137 | review physrep supernova | ||
1988 | E.S. Myra | Neutrino transport in stellar collapse | Physics Reports 163 (1988) 127 | review physrep supernova | ||
1988 | J.G. Learned, S. Pakvasa and T.J. Weiler | Neutrino Mass and Mixing Implied by Underground Deficit of Low-Energy Muon-neutrino Events | Phys. Lett. B207 (1988) 79 | atmospheric atmosbib oscbib | ||
1988 | W.C. Haxton | Radiochemical neutrino detection via 127I(ne,e-)127Xe | Phys. Rev. Lett. 60 (1988) 768 | solar detection solarbib | ||
1988 | T.K. Gaisser, T.Stanev, G. Barr | Cosmic-ray neutrinos in the atmosphere | Phys. Rev. D38 (1988) 85 | atmospheric vhe | ||
1988 | J. Cooperstein | Neutrino in supernovae | Physics Reports 163 (1988) 95 | review physrep supernova | ||
1988 | G.E. Brown ed. | Theory of supernovae | Physics Reports 163 (1988) 1 - including : J. Cooperstein / Neutrino in supernovae / p. 95 // E.S. Myra / Neutrino transport in stellar collapse / p. 127 // F. Reines and J. VanderVelde / Observation on SN1987A by neutrino light / p. 137 | review physrep supernova supernbib | ||
1988 | S. Barr, T.K. Gaisser, P. Lipari, S. Tilav | Ratio of electron-neutrino/muon-neutrino in atmospheric neutrinos | Phys. Lett. B214 (1988) 147 | atmospheric atmosbib | ||
1988 | J.N. Bahcall and R.K. Ulrich | Solar Models, Neutrino Experiments and Helioseismology | Rev. Mod. Phys. 60 (1988) 297 | review rmp solar | ||
1988 | F.T. Avignone and R.L. Brodzinski | A review of recent developments in double-beta decay | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 21 (1988) 99 | review progpn doublebeta | ||
1988 | E.N. Alexeyev, L.N. Alexeyeva, I.V. Krivosheina, V.I. Volchenko | Detection of the neutrino signal from SN1987A in the LMC using the Baksan underground scintillation telescope | Phys. Lett. B 205 (1988) 209 | historical supernova supernbib | ||
1989 | K.S. Hirata et al. | Observation of 8B solar neutrinos in the Kamiokande-II detector | Phys. Rev. Lett. 63 (1989) 16 | solar milestonebib overviewbib solarbib | ||
1989 | J. Steinberger | Experiments with high-energy neutrino beams | Rev. Mod. Phys. 61 (1989) 533 | review rmp accelerator history | ||
1989 | P. Singer, G. Eilam, ed. | 12th Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos, Ginosar, Israël | Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 13 (1990) 1 | conference proceedings winconf | ||
1989 | Mel Schwartz | The first high-energy neutrino experiment | Rev. Mod. Phys. 61 (1989) 527 | review rmp accelerator history | ||
1989 | S.R. Mishra and F. Sciulli | Deep inelastic lepton-nucleon scattering | Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 39 (1989) 259 | review annualrev accelerator | ||
1989 | S.P. Mikheyev and A. Yu. Smirnov | Resonant neutrino oscillations in matter | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 23 (1989) 41 | review progpn theory oscillation | ||
1989 | Leon M. Lederman | Observations in particle physics from two neutrinos to the Standard Model | Rev. Mod. Phys. 61 (1989) 547 | review rmp accelerator properties history | ||
1989 | T. K. Kuo and James Pantaleone | Neutrino oscillations in matter | Rev. Mod. Phys. 61 (1989) 937 | review rmp oscillation theory | ||
1989 | P. Aarnio et al., DELPHI Collaboration | Measurement of the mass and the width of the Z particle from multi-hadronic final states produced in e+e- annihilations | Phys. Lett. 231 (1989) 539 | historical numbernu milestonebib overviewbib propbib plotbib | ||
1989 | D. Decamp et al., ALEPH Collaboration | Determination of the number of light neutrino species | Phys. Lett. 231 (1989) 519 | historical numbernu milestonebib overviewbib propbib plotbib | ||
1989 | R. Davis, A.K. Mann and L. Wolfenstein | Solar neutrinos | Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 39 (1989) 467 | review annualrev solar | ||
1989 | R. Cahn and G. Goldhaber | Experimental Foundations of Particle Physics | Cambridge University Press - Second edition 2009 | book history | ||
1989 | Ch. Berger et al. , Fréjus collaboration | Study of the atmospheric neutrino interactions with the Fréjus detector | Phys. Lett. B227 (1989) 489 | atmospheric | ||
1989 | G. Berthomieu and M. Cribier, editors | Inside the Sun, 121st IAU Colloquium, Versailles, May 1989 | Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990 | book solar proceedings history | ||
1989 | G. Barr, T.K. Gaisser and T. Stanev | Flux of atmospheric neutrinos | Phys. Rev. D39 (1989) 3532 | atmospheric | ||
1989 | John Bahcall | Neutrino Astrophysics | Cambridge University Press | book solar supernova | ||
1989 | M.Z. Akrawy et al., OPAL Collaboration | Measurement of the Z mass and width the OPAL detector at LEP | Phys. Lett. 231 (1989) 530 | historical numbernu milestonebib overviewbib propbib plotbib | ||
1989 | M. Aglietta et al., NUSEX collaboration | Experimental study of atmospheric neutrino flux in the NUSEX experiment | Europhys. Lett. 8 (1989) 611 | atmospheric atmosbib | ||
1990 | M. Honda, K. Kasahara, K. Hidaka and S. Midorikawa | Atmospheric neutrino fluxes | Phys. Lett. B248 (1990) 193 | atmospheric atmosbib | ||
1990 | J. Panman, K. Winter, ed. | XIV International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino 1990 - Geneva | Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 19 (1991) 3 | conference proceedings neutrinoconf | ||
1990 | H. Lee and Y.S. Koh | A new calculation of atmospheric neutrino flux | Nuovo Cimento B105 (1990) 883 | atmospheric atmosbib | ||
1990 | D.N. Schramm and J.W. Truran | New physics from Supernova 1987A | Physics Reports 189 (1990) 89 | review physrep supernova | ||
1990 | D. Denegri, B. Sadoulet, M. Spiro | The number of neutrino species | Rev. Mod. Phys. 62 (1990) 1 | review rmp properties propbib | ||
1990 | H.A. Bethe | Supernova mechanisms | Rev. Mod. Phys. 62 (1990) 801 | review rmp supernova supernbib | ||
1990 | Ch. Berger et al. | A study of atmospheric neutrino oscillations in the Fréjus experiment | Phys. Lett. B245 (1990) 305 | atmospheric atmosbib | ||
1990 | L. Adeva et al., L3 Collaboration | Measurement of Z decay to hadrons and precise detemination of the number of neutrino species | Phys. Lett. 237 (1990) 136 | historical numbernu milestonebib overviewbib propbib | ||
1990 | A. Burrows | Neutrinos from supernova explosions | Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 40 (1990) 181 | review annualrev supernova supernbib | ||
1991 | K. Winter ed. | Neutrino Physics | Cambridge University Press, 1991 - 2nd edition 2000 - Contains reprints of several historical papers | book history propbib | ||
1991 | Win1991 | 13th Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos, L'Aquila, Italy | conference proceedings winconf | |||
1991 | J.W.F. Valle | Gauge theories and the physics of the neutrino mass | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 26 (1991) 91 | review progpn theory | ||
1991 | W. Kropp, M. Moe, L. Price, K. Schultz, H. Sobel, ed. | Neutrinos and other matters: Selected works of Frederick Reines | World Scientific, 1991 | book history | ||
1991 | K.S. Hirata et al. | Real-time, directional measurement of 8B solar neutrinos in the Kamiokande II detector | Phys. Rev. D44 (1991) 2241 | solar | ||
1991 | D. Casper et al. | Measurement of the atmospheric neutrino composition with the IMB-3 detector | Phys. Rev. Lett. 66 (1991) 2561 | atmospheric milestonebib overviewbib atmosbib | ||
1991 | A.I. Abazov et al. | Search for neutrinos from the Sun using the reaction 71Ga(neutrino,e-)71Ge | Phys. Rev. Lett. 67 (1991) 332 | solar | ||
1992 | D.H. Perkins | Gargamelle and the discovery of neutral currents | Proc. 3rd Int. Symposium on the History of Particle Physics, Stanford, June 1992, p. 428 | history neutralc | ||
1992 | Christine Sutton | Spaceship Neutrino | Cambridge University Press (1992) | book outreach propbib | ||
1992 | J. Séguinot, T. Ypsilantis, A. Zichichi | A high rate solar neutrino detector with energy determination | Report Collège de France LPC 92-31 (1992) | solar detection solarbib | ||
1992 | M. Schwartz | The early history of high-energy neutrino physics | Proc. 3rd Int. Symposium on the History of Particle Physics, Stanford, June 1992, p. 411 | history | ||
1992 | Arthur Roberts | The birth of high energy neutrino astronomy : a personal history of the Dumand project | Rev. Mod. Phys. 64 (1992) 259 | review rmp vhe history vhebib | ||
1992 | J. Pulido | The solar neutrino problem and the neutrino magnetic moment | Physics Reports 211 (1992) 167 | review physrep solar properties | ||
1992 | K.S. Hirata et al. , Kamiokande collaboration | Observation of a small atmospheric muon-neutrino/electron neutrino ratio in Kamiokande | Phys. Lett. B280 (1992) 146 | atmospheric atmosbib | ||
1992 | A. Morales, ed. | XV International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino 1992 - Granada | Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 31 (1993) 3 | conference proceedings neutrinoconf | ||
1992 | Miriam Mafai | Il lungo freddo: Storia di Bruno Pontecorvo, lo scienziato che scelse l’URSS | Mondadori (1992) | book pontecorvo | ||
1992 | C.E. Lane, R.I. Steinberg, ed. | In celebration of the discovery of the neutrino. Franklin Symposium, Philadelphia, April 30 - May 1, 1992 | World Scientific (1993) | conference proceedings history | ||
1992 | M. Koshiba | Observational neutrino astrophysics | Physics Reports 220 (1992) 229 | review physrep supernova history | ||
1992 | R. Becker-Szendy et al., IMB collaboration | A search for muon-neutrino oscillations with the IMB detector | Phys. Rev. Lett. 69 (1992) 1010 | atmospheric atmosbib | ||
1992 | John N. Bahcall, M.H. Pinsonneault | Standard solar models, with and without helium diffusion, and the solar neutrino problem | Rev. Mod. Phys. 64 (1992) 885 | review rmp solar | ||
1992 | P. Anselmann et al., Gallex collaboration | Solar neutrinos observed by GALLEX at Gran Sasso | Phys. Lett. B285 (1992) 376 | historical solar milestonebib overviewbib solarbib plotbib | ||
1993 | U. Nguyen-Khac and A.M. Lutz, editors | Neutral currents twenty years later | Paris, July 1993, World Scientific, 1994 | proceedings neutralc | ||
1993 | Win1993 | 14th Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos, Seoul, Korea | conference proceedings winconf | |||
1993 | Alan J. Weinstein and Ryszard Stroynowski | The tau lepton and its neutrino | Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 43 (1993) 457 | review annualrev properties | ||
1993 | S. Turck-Chièze, W. Däppen, E. Fossat, J. Provost, E. Schatzman, D. Vignaud | The solar interior | Physics Reports 230 (1993) 57 | review physrep solar | ||
1993 | Bertram Schwarzschild | In Old and New Experiments, the 17-KeV Neutrino Goes Away | Physics Today 46, 4, 17 (1993) | outreach falsepath 17keVbib | ||
1993 | T.J. Bowles and V.N. Gavrin | The status of the solar neutrino problem | Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 43 (1993) 117 | review annualrev solar | ||
1993 | D.R.O. Morrison | The rise and fall of the 17-keV neutrino | Nature 366 (1993) 29 | review falsepath 17keVbib | ||
1993 | E. Kolbe et al. | Inelastic neutrino scattering on nuclei and neutrino nucleosynthesis | Physics Reports 227 (1993) 37 | review physrep accelerator | ||
1993 | A. Hime | Do scattering effects resolve the 17-keV conundrum | Phys. Lett. B 299 (1993) 165 | review falsepath 17keVbib | ||
1993 | G.M. Fuller | Neutrino astrophysics | Physics Reports 227 (1993) 149 | review physrep | ||
1993 | S.A. Colgate, M. Herant, W. Benz | Neutron star accretion and the neutrino fireball | Physics Reports 227 (1993) 157 | review physrep | ||
1994 | G. Heusser | Low radioactivity background techniques | Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 45 (1995) 543 | review annualrev solar doublebeta | ||
1994 | L. Resvanis et al., NESTOR collaboration | NESTOR: A neutrino particle astrophysics underwater laboratory for the Mediterranean | Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 35 (1995) 294 | vhe detection vhebib | ||
1994 | Frederick Reines | 40 years of neutrino physics | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 32 (1994) 1 | review progpn history | ||
1994 | M. Moe and P. Vogel | Double beta decay | Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 44 (1994) 247 | review annualrev doublebeta | ||
1994 | T.K. Kuo | Neutrino oscillations in matter | Physics Reports 242 (1994) 363 | review physrep properties oscillation | ||
1994 | P. Galison | The discovery of neutral currents | AIP Conference Proceedings 300, 244 (1994) | history outreach | ||
1994 | A. Faessler ed. | Neutrinos in Cosmology, in Astro, Particle, Nuclear Physics | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 32 (1994) 1; Proc. of the Int. School "Neutrinos in Cosmology, Astro, Particle and Nuclear Physics", Erice, 1993 - Proceedings of the 1993 | review progpn proceedings | ||
1994 | A. Dar, G. Eilam, M. Gronau, ed. | XVI International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino 1994 - Eilat | Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 38 (1995) 13 | conference proceedings neutrinoconf | ||
1994 | John Bahcall, Raymond Davis, Peter Parker, Alexei Smirnov, Roger Ulrich ed. | Solar neutrinos: the first thirty years | Addison-Wesley, 1994 | book solar | ||
1994 | K. Assamagan et al. | Measurement of the muon momentum in pion decay at rest using a surface muon beam | Phys. Lett. B335 (1994) 231 - Details in Phys. Rev. D53 (1996) 6065 | mass propbib | ||
1994 | J.N. Abdurashitov et al. | Results from SAGE (The Russian-American Gallium solar neutrino experiment) | Phys. Lett. B328 (1994) 234 | solar solarbib plotbib | ||
1995 | Win1995 | 15th Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos, Talloires, France | conference proceedings winconf | |||
1995 | W.F. McDonough and S.S. Sun | The composition of the Earth | Chem. Geol. 120 (1995) 223 | geoneutrino geobib | ||
1995 | H.T. Janka, E. Müller | Neutrino-driven Type-II supernova explosions and the role of convection | Physics Reports 256 (1995) 135 | review physrep supernova | ||
1995 | T.K. Gaisser, F. Halzen, T. Stanev | Particle astrophysics with high energy neutrinos | Physics Reports 258 (1995) 173 | review physrep vhe | ||
1995 | Allan Franklin | The appearance and disappearance of the 17-keV neutrino | Rev. Mod. Phys. 67 (1995) 457 | review rmp properties falsepath 17keVbib | ||
1995 | K. Daum et al. | Determination of the atmospheric neutrino spectra with the Fréjus detector | Z. Phys. C66 (1995) 417 | atmospheric | ||
1995 | John N. Bahcall, M. H. Pinsonneault, and G. J. Wasserburg | Solar models with helium and heavy-element diffusion | Rev. Mod. Phys. 67 (1995) 781 | review rmp solar | ||
1995 | C. Athanassopoulos et al., LSND collaboration | Candidate events for antineutrino muon - antineutrino electron oscillations | Phys. Rev. Lett. 75 (1995) 2650 | oscillation falsepath lsndbib | ||
1995 | S.P. Ahlen et al. | Atmospheric neutrino flux measurement using upgoing muons | Phys. Lett. B357 (1995) 481 | atmospheric | ||
1995 | Michel Cribier, Michel Spiro, Daniel Vignaud | La lumière des neutrinos | Seuil (1995) | book outreach neutrinosrc | ||
1996 | F. Reines | The neutrino: from poltergeist to particle | Rev. Mod. Phys. 68 (1996) 317 | review rmp history | ||
1996 | M. Javoy et al. | The chemical composition of the Earth: enstatite chondrite model | Earth Plan. Sci. Lett. 293 (2010) 259 | geoneutrino geobib | ||
1996 | F.E. Wietfeld, E.B. Norman | The 17-keV neutrino | Physics Reports 273 (1996) 149 | review physrep falsepath 17keVbib | ||
1996 | André Rousset | Gargamelle et les courants neutres | Ecole des Mines Paris | book history neutralc | ||
1996 | Y. Fukuda et al. | Solar neutrino data covering solar cycle 22 | Phys. Rev. Lett. 77 (1996) 1683 | solar overviewbib solarbib | ||
1996 | F. Halzen | Status of the AMANDA South Pole detector | arXiv:hep-ex/9611014 | vhe detection vhebib | ||
1996 | Giuseppe Fidecaro | Bruno Pontecorvo: from Rome to Dubna | , | pontecorvo | ||
1996 | K. Enqvist, K. Huitu, J. Maalampi, ed. | XVII International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino 1996 - Helsinki | World Scientific, 1997 | conference proceeedings neutrinoconf | ||
1996 | J.N. Bahcall | Ray Davis: the Scientist and the Man | Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 48 (1996) 281 | solar history | ||
1996 | V. Agrawal, T.K. Gaisser, P. Lipari and T. Stanev | Atmospheric neutrino flux above 1 GeV | Phys. Rev. D53 (1996) 1314 | atmospheric | ||
1997 | Alfred K. Mann | Shadow of a Star, The Neutrino Story of Supernova 1987A | W.H. Freeman | book history supernova | ||
1997 | Nickolas Solomey | The elusive neutrino: a subatomic detective story | W.H. Freeman | book outreach | ||
1997 | R.S. Raghavan | New prospects for real-time spectroscopy of low energy electron neutrinos from the Sun | Phys. Rev. Lett. 78 (1997) 3618 | solar detection solarbib | ||
1997 | I.A. Belolaptikov et al. | The Baikal underwater neutrino telescope: design, performances and first results | Astroparticle Physics 7 (1997) 263 | vhe detection vhebib | ||
1997 | Los Alamos | Celebrating the neutrino | Los Alamos Science 25 | book history discovbib plotbib | ||
1997 | G. Fiorillo, V. Palladino, P. Strolin, ed. | 16th Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos, Capri, Italy | Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 66 (1998) | conference proceedings winconf | ||
1997 | V. Castellani, S. Degl’Innocenti, G. Fiorentini, M. Lissia | Solar neutrinos : beyond standard solar models | Physics Reports 281 (1997) 309 | review physrep solar | ||
1997 | W.W.M. Allison et al. | Measurement of the atmospheric neutrino flavour composition in Soudan 2 | Phys. Lett. B391 (1997) 491 ; arXiv:hep-ex//9611007 | atmospheric atmosbib | ||
1998 | Y. Fukuda et al., Super-Kamiokande collaboration | Evidence for oscillation of atmospheric neutrinos | Phys. Rev. Lett. 81 (1998) 1562 | historical atmospheric milestonebib overviewbib atmosbib oscbib plotbib | ||
1998 | K. Zuber | On the physics of massive neutrinos | Physics Reports 305 (1998) 295 | review physrep properties | ||
1998 | Y. Suzuki, Y. Totsuka, ed. | XVIII International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino 1998 - Takayama | Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 77 (1999) 3 | conference proceeedings neutrinoconf | ||
1998 | C.G. Rothschild, M.C. Chen and F. Calaprice | Antineutrino geophysics with liquid scintillator detectors | Geophysical Research Letters 25 (1998) 1083 | geoneutrino geobib | ||
1998 | R.S. Raghavan, S. Schonert, S. Enomoto, J. Shirai, F. Suekane, A. Suzuki | Measuring the global radioactivity in the Earth by multidetector antineutrino spectroscopy | Phys. Rev. Lett. 80 (1998) 635 | geoneutrino geobib | ||
1998 | Takaaki Kajita | Atmospheric neutrino results from Super-Kamiokande and Kamiokande - Evidence for muon-neutrino oscillations | Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 77 (1999) 123 | historical atmospheric milestonebib overviewbib atmosbib oscbib plotbib | ||
1998 | W. Hampel et al., Gallex collaboration | Final results of the 51Cr neutrino source experiment in GALLEX | Phys. Lett. B420 (1998) 114 | solar solarbib | ||
1998 | M. Ambrosio et al., MACRO collaboration | Measurement of the atmospheric neutrino-induced upgoing muon flux using MACRO | Phys. Lett. B434 (1998) 451 | atmospheric atmosbib | ||
1998 | Y. Fukuda et al., Super-Kamiokande collaboration | Measurements of the solar neutrino flux from Super-Kamiokande’s first 300 days | Phys. Rev. Lett. 81 (1998) 1158 | solar solarbib | ||
1998 | A. Faessler ed. | Neutrinos in Cosmology, in Astro, Particle, Nuclear Physics | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 40 (1998) 1, Proc. of the Int. School "Neutrinos in Cosmology, Astro, Particle and Nuclear Physics", Erice, 1997 | review progpn proceedings | ||
1998 | Janet M. Conrad, Michael H. Shaevitz, and Tim Bolton | Precision measurements with high-energy neutrino beams | Rev. Mod. Phys. 70 (1998) 1341 | review rmp accelerator | ||
1998 | A.G. Cocco | Results from CHORUS experiment at CERN | Physics Reports 307 (1998) 319 | review physrep oscillation | ||
1998 | B.T. Cleveland et al. | Measurement of the solar electron neutrino flux with the Homestake chlorine detector | Astrophysical Journal 496 (1998) 505 | solar solarbib plotbib | ||
1998 | R. Barate et al., ALEPH collaboration | An upper limit for the tau-neutrino mass from three- and five-prong tau decays | European Physical Journal C2 (1998) 395 | mass propbib | ||
1998 | M. Apollonio et al., Chooz collaboration | Initial results from the Chooz long baseline reactor neutrino oscillation experiment | Phys. Lett. B420 (1998) 397 | oscillation reactor reactorbib oscbib | ||
1998 | E. Adelberger et al. | Solar fusion cross sections | Rev. Mod. Phys. 70 (1998) 1265 | solar solarbib | ||
1999 | W. Hampel et al., Gallex collaboration | GALLEX solar neutrino observations: results for GALLEX-IV | Phys. Lett. B447 (1999) 127 | solar solarbib | ||
1999 | J.N. Abdurashitov et al., SAGE collaboration | Solar neutrino flux measurements by the Soviet-American Gallium Experiment (SAGE) for half the 22 year solar cycle | J.Exp.Theor.Phys. 95 (2002) 181-193; arXiv:astro-ph/0204245 | solar solarbib | ||
1999 | L. Wolfenstein | Neutrino physics | Rev. Mod. Phys. 71 (1999) S140 | review rmp | ||
1999 | Ch. Weinheimer et al. | High precision measurement of the tritium beta spectrum near its endpoint and upper limit on the neutrino mass | Phys. Lett. B460 (1999) 219 | mass propbib | ||
1999 | M. Spiro, D. Vignaud | Neutrino physics and astrophysics | Nucl. Phys. A654 (1999) 350c | review neutrinosrc | ||
1999 | V.M. Lobashev et al. | Direct search for mass of neutrino and anomaly in the tritium beta-spectrum | Phys. Lett. B460 (1999) 227 | mass falsepath propbib | ||
1999 | A.C. Hayes | Nuclear structure issues determining neutrino-nucleus cross sections | Physics Reports 315 (1999) 257 | review physrep properties | ||
1999 | Till A. Kirsten | Solar neutrino experiments: results and implications | Rev. Mod. Phys. 71 (1999) 1213 | review rmp solar | ||
1999 | C. Hagmann | Cosmic neutrinos and their detection | arXiv:astro-ph/9905258 | cosmological detection cosmobib | ||
1999 | Peter Fisher, Boris Kayser, Kevin S. McFarland | Neutrino mass and oscillation | Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 49 (1999) 481 | review annualrev properties oscillation | ||
1999 | M. Apollonio et al. | Limits on neutrino oscillations from the Chooz experiment | Phys. Lett. B466 (1999) 415 | oscillation reactor reactorbib oscbib | ||
1999 | C.A. Dominguez, R.D. Viollier, ed. | 17th Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos, Cape Town, South Africa | Cape Town University | conference proceedings winconf | ||
1999 | Arnon Dar, Giora Shaviv | The solar neutrino problem – an update | Physics Reports 311 (1999) 115 | review physrep solar | ||
1999 | W. Buchmüller, M. Plümacher | Matter-antimatter asymmetry and neutrino properties | Physics Reports 320 (1999) 329 | review physrep properties | ||
1999 | S.M. Bilenky, C. Giunti and W. Grimus | Phenomenology of neutrino oscillations | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 43 (1999) 1 | review progpn theory oscillation | ||
1999 | A.B. Balantekin | Neutrino propagation in matter | Physics Reports 315 (1999) 123 | review physrep properties oscillation | ||
1999 | E. Aslanides et al., ANTARES collaboration | A deep sea telescope for high energy neutrinos | arXiv:astro-ph/9907432 | vhe detection vhebib | ||
2000 | John G. Learned and Karl Mannheim | High energy neutrino astrophysics | Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 50 (2000) 679 | review annualrev vhe | ||
2000 | J. Law, R.W. Ollerheas, J.J. Simpson, ed. | XIX International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino 2000 - Sudbury | Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 91 (2001) 3 | conference proceeedings neutrinoconf | ||
2000 | W.C. Haxton and W. Lin | The very low energy solar flux of electrons and heavy-flavor neutrinos and antineutrinos | Phys. Lett. B486 (2000) 263 ; arXiv:nucl-th/0006055 | solar neutrinosrc | ||
2000 | F. Halzen | High-energy neutrino astronomy | Physics Reports 333-334 (2000) 349 | review physrep vhe | ||
2000 | M. Fukugita et al. | Limits on neutrino mass from cosmic structure formation | Phys. Rev. Lett. 84 (2000) 1082; arXiv:hep-ph/9908450 | mass cosmological propbib | ||
2000 | Allan J. Franklin | The Road to the Neutrino | Physics Today 53, 2, 22 (2000) - See also The Neutrino Road Not Taken / Luciano N. Blanco & Allan Franklin / Physics Today 53, 8, 13 (2000) / doi: 10.1063/1.1310110 / / | history outreach | ||
2000 | G. Fogli, E. Lisi, ed. | Neutrino Oscillation Workshop 2000 | Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 100 (2001) 5 | conference proceeedings nowconf | ||
2000 | H. Ejiri | Nuclear spin isospin responses for low-energy neutrinos | Physics Reports 338 (2000) 265 | review physrep properties | ||
2000 | F. Boehm et al., Palo Verde collaboration | Search for neutrino oscillations at the Palo Verde nuclear reactors | Phys. Rev. Lett. 84 (2000) 3764; arXiv:hep-ex/9912050 | oscillation reactor reactorbib | ||
2001 | D.G. Yakovlev et al. | Neutrino emission from neutron stars | Physics Reports 354 (2001) 1 | review physrep | ||
2001 | M. Riordan ed. | Special neutrino issue | Slac Beamline 31 | review | ||
2001 | A. Ringwald | Possible detection of relic neutrinos and their mass | arXiv:hep-ph/0111112 | cosmological detection cosmobib | ||
2001 | R.S. Raghavan | pp-solar neutrino spectroscopy; return tof the indium detector | arXiv:hep-ex/0106054 | solar detection solarbib | ||
2001 | Madappa Prakash, James M. Lattimer, Raymond F. Sawyer and Raymond R. Volkas | Neutrino propagation in dense astrophysical systems | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 51 (2001) 295 | review annualrev | ||
2001 | A. Osipowicz et al., KATRIN Collaboration | KATRIN: a next generation tritium beta decay experiment with sub-eV sensitivity for electron neutrino mass | arXiv:hep-ex/0109033 | detection mass propbib | ||
2001 | V.M. Lobashev et al. | Direct search for mass of neutrino and anomaly in the tritium beta-spectrum: status of the Troitsk Neutrino Mass experiment | Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 91 (2001) 280 | mass | ||
2001 | K. Kodama et al., DONUT collaboration | Observation of tau neutrino interactions | Phys. Lett. B 504 (2001) 218; arXiv:hep-ex/0012035 | historical numbernu milestonebib overviewbib nutaubib | ||
2001 | C. K. Jung, T. Kajita, T. Mann and C. McGrew | Oscillation of atmospheric neutrinos | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 51 (2001) 451 | review annualrev atmospheric oscillation | ||
2001 | M. Honda, T. Kajita, K. Kasahara and S. Midorikawa | Comparison of three-dimensional and one-dimensional schemes in the calculation of atmospheric neutrinos | Phys. Rev. D64 (2001) 053011; arXiv:hep-ph/0103328 | atmospheric | ||
2001 | Ph. Gorodetzky, HELLAZ collaboration | The solar neutrino project HELLAZ: status report on the hardware and on the simulation | Nucl. Instr. and Methods A471 (2001) 131 | solar detection solarbib | ||
2001 | Allan Franklin | Are there really neutrinos?: An Evidential History | Westview Press (2001) | book history | ||
2001 | A. Burrows | Neutrino-matter interactions in the context of core-collapse supernovae | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 46 (2001) 59 | review progpn supernova | ||
2001 | J. Bonn et al. | The Mainz Neutrino Mass Experiment | Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 91 (2001) 273 | mass | ||
2001 | Q.R. Ahmad et al., SNO collaboration | Measurement of the rate ne + d → p + p + e- interactions produced by 8B solar neutrinos at the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory | Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 (2001) 071301; arXiv:nucl-ex/0106015 | historical solar oscillation msw milestonebib overviewbib solarbib oscbib plotbib | ||
2001 | A. Aguilar et al., LSND collaboration | Evidence for neutrino oscillations from the observation of antineutrino electron appearance in an antineutrino muon beam | Phys. Rev. D64 (2001) 112007; arXiv:hep-ex/0104049 | oscillation falsepath lsndbib | ||
2001 | Takaaki Kajita and Yoji Totsuka | Observation of atmospheric neutrinos | Rev. Mod. Phys. 73 (2001) 85 | review rmp atmospheric | ||
2002 | H.V. Klapdor-Kleingrothaus et al. | Evidence for neutrinoless double beta decay | Mod. Phys. Lett. A16 (2001) 2409; arXiv:hep-ph/0201231 | doublebeta detection falsepath dbetafalsebib | ||
2002 | Win2002 | 18th Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos, Christchurch, New Zealand | conference proceedings winconf | |||
2002 | J.D. Vergados | The neutrinoless double beta decay from a modern perspective | Physics Reports 361 (2002) 1 | review physrep doublebeta | ||
2002 | T.J. Loredo and D.Q. Lamb | Bayesian analysis of neutrinos observed from supernova SN 1987A | Phys. Rev. D65 (2002) 063002 | supernova propbib | ||
2002 | Arnold Lavro | Neutrinos: a bibliography with indexes | Nova Science Publishers (2002) - Covers the bibliography only from 1998 to 2001 | bibliography | ||
2002 | A. Faessler ed. | Neutrinos in Cosmology, in Astro, Particle, Nuclear Physics | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 48 (2002) 1, Proc. of the Int. School "Neutrinos in Cosmology, Astro, Particle and Nuclear Physics", Erice, 2001 | review progpn proceedings | ||
2002 | J.J. Gomez-Cadenas and D.A. Harris | Physics opportunities at neutrino factories | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 52 (2002) 253 | review annualrev accelerator | ||
2002 | T.K. Gaisser and M. Honda | Flux of atmospheric neutrinos | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 52 (2002) 153 | review annualrev atmospheric atmosbib | ||
2002 | F. von Feilitzsch, N. Schmitz, ed. | XX International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino 2002 - Munich | Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 118 (2003) 3 | conference proceedings neutrinoconf | ||
2002 | Steven R. Elliott and Petr Vogel | Double beta decay | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 52 (2002) 115 | review annualrev doublebeta | ||
2002 | A.D. Dolgov | Neutrinos in cosmology | Physics Reports 370 (2002) 333 | review physrep cosmological | ||
2002 | Carlo Bemporad, Giorgio Gratta, and Petr Vogel | Reactor-based neutrino oscillation experiments | Rev. Mod. Phys. 74 (2002) 297 | review rmp reactor | ||
2002 | Q.R. Ahmad et al., SNO collaboration | Direct evidence for neutrino flavor transformation from neutral-current interactions in the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory | Phys. Rev. Lett. 89 (2002) 011301; arXiv:nucl-ex/0204008 | historical solar oscillation msw milestonebib overviewbib solarbib oscbib plotbib | ||
2003 | Win2003 | 19th Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin | conference proceedings winconf | |||
2003 | Masatoshi Koshiba | Nobel Lecture: Birth of neutrino astrophysics | Rev. Mod. Phys. 75 (2003) 1011 | review rmp supernova koshiba | ||
2003 | François Vannucci | Le miroir aux neutrinos | Odile Jacob (2003) | book outreach | ||
2003 | B. Lundberg, K. Niwa and V. Paolone | Observation of the tau neutrino | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 53 (2003) 199 | review annualrev properties | ||
2003 | Raymond Davis, Jr | Nobel Lecture: A half-century with solar neutrinos | Rev. Mod. Phys. 75 (2003) 985 | review rmp solar history | ||
2003 | Dieter Haidt | The discovery of neutral currents | “Prestigious discoveries at CERN”, ed. by R.Cashmore, L. Maiani and J.P.Revol, Springer (2003) | history neutralc | ||
2003 | G. Fiorentini, F. Mantovani and B. Ricci | Neutrinos and energetics of the Earth | Phys. Lett. B557 (2003) 139 | geoneutrino geobib | ||
2003 | K. Eguchi et al. | First results from KamLAND: Evidence for reactor antineutrino disappearance | Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 (2003) 021802 | reactor oscillation solar milestonebib overviewbib oscbib plotbib | ||
2003 | S.M. Bilenky, C. Giunti, J.A. Grifols, E. Masso | Absolute values of neutrino masses: status and prospects | Physics Reports 379 (2003) 69 | review physrep properties | ||
2003 | Mikael Beuthe | Oscillations of neutrinos and mesons in quantum field theory | Physics Reports 375 (2003) 105 | review physrep properties oscillation | ||
2003 | M. C. Gonzalez-Garcia and Yosef Nir | Neutrino masses and mixing: evidence and implications | Rev. Mod. Phys. 75 (2003) 345 | review rmp properties oscillation | ||
2004 | Kuniharu Kubodera and Tae-Sun Park | The solar hep process | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 54 (2004) 19 | review annualrev solar | ||
2004 | Lincoln Wolfenstein | The strength of the weak interaction | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 54 (2004) 1 | review annualrev theory betadecay | ||
2004 | J. Orloff, S. Lavignac and M. Cribier, editors | Seesaw 25 | International Conference on the Seesaw Mechanism, Paris, June 2004, World Scientific 2005 | proceedings theory | ||
2004 | R.D. McKeown, P. Vogel | Neutrino masses and oscillations: triumphs and challenges | Physics Reports 394 (2004) 315 | review physrep properties oscillation | ||
2004 | G. De Lellis et al., | Charm physics with neutrinos | Physics Reports 399 (2004) 227 | review physrep properties accelerator | ||
2004 | J. Dumarchez, Th. Patzak, F. Vannucci, ed. | XXI International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino 2004 - Paris | Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 143 (2005) 3 | conference proceedings neutrinoconf | ||
2004 | G. Gelmini | Prospect for relic neutrino search | arXiv:hep-ph/0412305 | cosmological detection cosmobib | ||
2004 | S. M. Bilenky | The History of Neutrino Oscillations | arXiv:hep-ph/0410090 | history oscillation oscbib | ||
2004 | P. Bernardini, G. Fogli, E. Lisi, ed. | Neutrino Oscillation Workshop 2004 | Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 145 (2005) 5 | conference proceeedings nowconf | ||
2004 | G.D. Barr, T.K. Gaisser, P. Lipari, S. Robbins and T. Stanev | A three-dimensional calculation of atmospheric neutrinos | Phys. Rev. D70 (2004) 023006; arXiv:astro-ph/0403630 | atmospheric | ||
2004 | Y. Ashie et al., Super-Kamiokande collaboration | Evidence for an oscillatory signature in atmospheric neutrino oscillations | Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 (2004) 101801 | historical atmospheric milestonebib overviewbib atmosbib oscbib plotbib | ||
2004 | F. Ardellier et al. | Letter of intent for Double Chooz: a search for the mixing angle q13 | arXiv:hep-ex/0405032 | oscillation reactor reactorbib | ||
2005 | Win2005 | 20th Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos, Delphi, Greece | conference proceedings winconf | |||
2005 | Anthony Mezzacappa | Ascertaining the core-collapse supernova mechanism: the state of the art and the road ahead | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 55 (2005) 467 | review annualrev supernova | ||
2005 | M. Goodman | New reactor neutrino experiments besides Double Chooz | arXiv:hep-ph/0501206 | oscillation reactor reactorbib | ||
2005 | L. Bonolis | Bruno Pontecorvo: from slow neutrons to oscillating neutrinos | Am. J. of Physics 73 (2005) 487 | history pontecorvo | ||
2005 | J.N. Bahcall and E.E. Salpeter | Stellar Energy Generation and Solar Neutrinos | Physics Today 58, 10, 44 (2005) | outreach solar | ||
2005 | T. Araki et al., KamLAND collaboration | Measurement of neutrino oscillation with KamLAND: evidence of spectral distortion | Phys. Rev. Lett. 94 (2005) 081801 | reactor oscillation solar overviewbib oscbib plotbib | ||
2005 | T. Araki et al., KamLAND collaboration | Experimental investigation of geologically produced antineutrinos with KamLAND | Nature 436 (2005) 499 | historical geoneutrino geobib milestonebib overviewbib | ||
2005 | E. Aliu et al., K2K collaboration | Evidence for muon-neutrino oscillation in an accelerator-based experiment | Phys. Rev. Lett. 94 (2005) 081802; arXiv:hep-ex/0411038 | atmospheric accelerator oscillation atmosbib | ||
2006 | I. Zheleznykh | Early years of high-energy neutrino physics in cosmic rays and neutrino astronomy (1957-1962) | International Journal of Modern Physics A21 (supp01), 1-11, 2006 | history vhe | ||
2006 | H. Murayama | Origin of neutrino mass | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 57 (2006) 3 | review progpn theory properties | ||
2006 | R.N. Mohapatra and A.Y. Smirnov | Neutrino mass and new physics | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 56 (2006) 569 | review annualrev theory properties | ||
2006 | G. Mills, S. Elliott, T. Goldman, T. Bowles, ed. | XXII International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino 2006 - Santa Fé | Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 221 (2011) 3 | conference proceedings neutrinoconf | ||
2006 | Gisela Mateos | The absence of women in neutrino physics | Proceedings of the 2nd ICESHS (Cracow, Poland, September 2006), M. Kokowski, ed. | history | ||
2006 | Julien Lesgourgues | Massive neutrinos and cosmology | Physics Reports 429 (2006) | review physrep cosmological | ||
2006 | Steen Hannestad | Primordial neutrinos | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 56 (2006) 137 | review annualrev cosmological | ||
2006 | J.M. Herndon | Solar System Processes Underlying Planetary Formation, Geodynamics and the Georeactor | Earth, Moon and Planets 99 (2006) 53 Neutrino Geophysics Proceedings of Neutrino Sciences 2005 | geoneutrino geobib | ||
2006 | G.L. Fogli, E. Lisi, A. Marrone, A. Palazzo | Global analysis of three-flavor neutrino masses and mixing | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 57 (2006) 742 | review progpn properties oscillation | ||
2006 | A. Faessler ed. | Neutrinos in Cosmology, in Astro, Particle, Nuclear Physics | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 57 (2006) 1, Int. Workshop "Neutrinos in Cosmology, Astro, Particle and Nuclear Physics", Erice, 2005 | review progpn proceedings | ||
2006 | M. Bonesini, A. Guglielmi | Hadroproduction experiments for precise neutrino beam calculations | Physics Reports 433 (2006) 65 | review physrep accelerator | ||
2006 | P. Bernardini, G. Fogli, E. Lisi, ed. | Neutrino Oscillation Workshop 2006 | Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 168 (2007) 1 | conference proceeedings nowconf | ||
2006 | Alexander Barabash | Double beta decay experiments: past and present achievements | arXiv:hep-ex/0608054 | doublebeta | ||
2006 | M.H. Ahn et al., K2K collaboration | Measurement of the neutrino oscillation by the K2K experiment | Phys. Rev. D74 (2006) 072003; arXiv:hep-ex/0606032 | accelerator atmospheric oscillation oscbib | ||
2006 | K. Abe at al., Super-Kamiokande collaboration | Measurement of atmospheric neutrino flux consistent with tau neutrino appearance | Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 (2006) 171801; arXiv:hep-ex/0607059 | atmospheric oscillation oscbib | ||
2007 | Win2007 | 21st Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos, Kolkata, India | conference proceedings winconf | |||
2007 | R.S. Raghavan | Zero Threshold Reactions for Detecting Ultra Low Energy Cosmic Relic Neutrinos | arXiv:hep-ph/0703028 | cosmological detection cosmobib | ||
2007 | Sacha E. Kopp | Accelerator neutrino beams | Physics Reports 439 (2007) 101 | review physrep accelerator accelbib | ||
2007 | Y.H.Huang et al. | Potential for precision measurement of solar neutrino luminosity by HERON | arXiv:0711.4095 | solar detection solarbib | ||
2007 | Xinheng Guo et al., Daya Bay Collaboration | A precision measurement of the neutrino mixing angle q13 using reactor antineutrinos at Daya Bay | arXiv:hep-ex/0701029 | oscillation reactor reactorbib | ||
2007 | Allan J. Franklin | The Discovery and Nondiscovery of Neutrinos: The Reines Cowan Experiment and the 17 keV Neutrino | AIP Conference Proceedings 917, 12 (2007) | history detection falsepath 17keVbib | ||
2007 | Gianni Fiorentini, Marcello Lissia, Fabio Mantovani | Geo-neutrinos and earths’s interior | Physics Reports 453 (2007) 117 | review physrep geoneutrino geobib | ||
2007 | H.T. Janka, K. Langanke, A. Marek, G. Martinez-Pinedo, B. Müller | Theory of core-collapse supernovae | Physics Reports 442 (2007) 38 | review physrep supernova | ||
2007 | S. Geer and M.S. Zisman | Neutrino factories: realization and physics potential | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 59 (2007) 631 | review progpn accelerator | ||
2007 | A.A. Aguilar Arevalo et al., MiniBooNE collaboration | Search for electron neutrino appearance at the Dm2 ~ 1 eV2 | Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 (2007) 231801; arXiv:0704.1500 | oscillation falsepath lsndbib | ||
2008 | Leslie Camilleri, Eligio Lisi, and John F. Wilkerson | Neutrino masses and mixings: status and prospects | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 58 (2008) 343 | review annualrev properties oscillation | ||
2008 | Hiroshi Nunokawa, Stephen Parke and José W.F. Valle | CP violation and neutrino oscillations | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 60 (2008) 338 | review progpn properties oscillation theory | ||
2008 | M.C. Gonzalez-Garcia, M. Maltoni | Phenomenology with massive neutrinos | Physics Reports 460 (2008) 1 | review physrep properties oscillation | ||
2008 | P. Bernardini, G. Fogli, E. Lisi, ed. | Neutrino Oscillation Workshop 2008 | Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 188 (2009) 1 | conference proceeedings nowconf | ||
2008 | Julia K. Becker | High-energy neutrinos in the context of multimessenger astrophysics | Physics Reports 458 (2008) 173 | review physrep vhe | ||
2008 | P. Bagley et al. | KM3NeT: Conceptual Design Report | vhe detection vhebib | |||
2008 | Frank T. Avignone, III, Steven R. Elliott, and Jonathan Engel | Double beta decay, Majorana neutrinos, and neutrino mass | Rev. Mod. Phys. 80 (2008) 481 | review rmp properties doublebeta | ||
2008 | C. Arpesella et al., Borexino collaboration | First real time detection of Be7 solar neutrinos by Borexino | Phys. Lett. B658 (2008) 101; arXiv:0708.2251 | historical solar | ||
2008 | J. Adams, F. Halzen, S. Parke, ed. | XXIII International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino 2008 - Christchurch | J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 136 (2008) | conference proceedings neutrinoconf | ||
2009 | Alexander Kusenko | Sterile neutrinos: the dark side of the light fermions | Physics Reports 481 (2009) 1 | review physrep properties | ||
2009 | Win2009 | 22nd Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos, Perugia, Italy | conference proceedings winconf | |||
2009 | Henry W. Sobel and Yoichiro Suzuki | Yoji Totsuka (1942-2008) and the discovery of neutrino mass | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 59 (2009) 41 | review annualrev history | ||
2009 | W.C. Louis | Searches for muon-to-electron (anti) neutrino flavor change | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 63 (2009) 51 | review progpn oscillation | ||
2009 | Kenneth Lande | The life of Raymond Davis, Jr. and the beginning of neutrino astronomy | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 59 (2009) 21 | review annualrev history | ||
2009 | João Magueijo | A brilliant darkness: the extraordinary life and mysterious disappearance of Ettore Majorana, the troubled genius of the nuclear age | Basic Books | majorana | ||
2009 | A.V. Kopylov et al. | A lithium-beryllium method for the detection of solar neutrinos | arXiv:0910.3889 | solar detection solarbib | ||
2009 | Nick Jelley, Arthur B. McDonald, and R.G. Hamish Robertson | The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 59 (2009) 431 | review annualrev solar history | ||
2009 | Barry R. Holstein | The mysterious disappearance of Ettore Majorana | Carolina International Symposium on Neutrino Physics, IOP Publishing Journal of Physics: Conference Series 173 (2009) 012019 | majorana | ||
2009 | Wick Haxton | The scientific life of John Bahcall | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 59 (2009) 1 | review annualrev history | ||
2009 | Steve Geer | Muon colliders and neutrino factories | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 59 (2009) 347 | review annualrev accelerator | ||
2009 | Ubaldo Dore and Lucia Zanello | Bruno Pontecorvo and neutrino physics | arXiv:0910.1657 | pontecorvo | ||
2009 | J.N. Abdurashitov et al. | Measurement of the solar neutrino capture rate with gallium metal. III: Results for the 2002--2007 data-taking period | Phys. Rev. C80 (2009) 015807; arXiv:0901.2200 | solar detection solarbib | ||
2010 | G.S. Tzanakos, ed. | XXIV International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino 2010 - Athens | Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 229-232 (2012) 1 | conference proceedings neutrinoconf | ||
2010 | R. Nahnhauer | Acoustic particle detection – from early ideas to future benefits | Nucl. Instr. and Methods A662 (2012) S20; arXiv:1010.3082 | vhe detection vhebib | ||
2010 | Mats Lindroos and Mauro Mezzetto | Beta beams | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 60 (2010) 299 | review annualrev accelerator | ||
2010 | H.V. Klapdor-Kleingrothaus | Seventy years of double-beta decay | World Scientific | book doublebeta | ||
2010 | F. Kaether, W. Hampel, G. Heusser, J. Kiko, T. Kirsten | Reanalysis of the GALLEX solar neutrino flux and source experiments | Phys. Lett. B685 (2010) 47; arXiv:1001.2731 | solar solarbib | ||
2010 | Steen Hannestad | Neutrino physics from precision cosmology | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 65 (2010) 185 | review progpn cosmological | ||
2010 | Huaiyu Duan, George M. Fuller, and Yong-Zhong Qian | Collective neutrino oscillations | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 60 (2010) 569 | review annualrev oscillation | ||
2010 | A. Faessler ed. | Neutrinos in Cosmology, in Astro, Particle, Nuclear Physics | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 64 (2010) 169, Int. Workshop "Neutrinos in Cosmology, in Astro, Particle and Nuclear Physics", Erice, 2009 | review progpn proceedings | ||
2010 | P. Bernardini, G. Fogli, E. Lisi, ed. | Neutrino Oscillation Workshop 2010 | Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 217 (2011) 1 | conference proceeedings nowconf | ||
2010 | G. Bellini et al. | Observation of Geo-neutrinos | Phys. Lett. B687 (2010) 299; arXiv:1003.0284 | historical geoneutrino geobib overviewbib | ||
2010 | John F. Beacom | The diffuse supernova neutrino background | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 60 (2010) 439 | review annualrev supernova | ||
2010 | Luis A. Anchordoqui and Teresa Montaruli | Search for extraterrestrial high-energy neutrinos | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 60 (2010) 129 | review annualrev vhe | ||
2010 | J.K. Ahn et al., RENO Collaboration | RENO : an experiment for neutrino oscillation parameter q13 using reactor neutrinos at Yonggwang | arXiv:1003.1391 | oscillation reactor reactorbib | ||
2010 | A.A. Aguilar Arevalo et al., MiniBooNE collaboration | Event excess in the MiniBooNE search for muon antineutrino to electron antineutrino | Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 (2010) 181801; arXiv:1007.1150 | oscillation falsepath lsndbib | ||
2010 | N. Agafonova et al. | Observation of a first tau-neutrino candidate in the OPERA experiment in the CNGS neutrino beam | Phys. Lett. B691 (2010) 138; arXiv:1006.1623 | historical numbernu oscillation accelerator milestonebib overviewbib | ||
2011 | Yvonne Y.Y. Wong | Neutrino mass in cosmology: status and prospects | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 61 (2011) 69 | review annualrev cosmological | ||
2011 | Win2011 | 23rd Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos, Cape Town, South Africa | conference proceedings winconf | |||
2011 | V.I. Tretyak | False starts in history of searches for double beta decay, or discoverless double beta decay | arXiv:1112.4183, AIP Conf. Proc. 1417 (2011) 129 | doublebeta falsepath dbetafalsebib | ||
2011 | J. Steinberger | The electron and the muon neutrinos are different particles; the story of the second neutrino | Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.) 221 (2011) 273–280 | history numbernu detection | ||
2011 | Kurt Rieselmann | Deconstruction: Cosmic Gall | Symmetry magazine , 01 Feb. 2011 | outreach | ||
2011 | A. Gando et al., KamLAND collaboration | Partial radiogenic heat model for Earth revealed by geo-neutrino measurements | Nature Geoscience 4 (2011) 647 | geoneutrino geobib | ||
2011 | Alfred Scharff Goldhaber and Maurice Goldhaber | The neutrino’s elusive helicity reversal | Physics Today 64, 5, 40 (2011) | history properties | ||
2011 | Frank Close | Neutrino | Oxford University Press - German translation - Springer | book outreach | ||
2011 | T. Adam et al., OPERA Collaboration | Measurement of the neutrino velocity with the OPERA detector in the CNGS beam | arXiv:1109.4897v1 | falsepath superlumbib | ||
2011 | Y. Abe et al., Double Chooz collaboration | Indication for the disappearance of reactor electron antineutrinos in the Double Chooz experiment | Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 (2012) 131801; arXiv:1112.6353 | historical reactor oscillation properties milestonebib overviewbib reactorbib oscbib plotbib | ||
2011 | K. Abe et al., T2K collaboration | Indication of electron neutrino appearance from an accelerator-produced off-axis muon-neutrino beam | Phys. Rev. Lett. 107 (2011) 041801; arXiv:1106.2822 | historical accelerator oscillation properties milestonebib overviewbib reactorbib oscbib plotbib | ||
2011 | H. Gallagher, G. Garvey, and G.P. Zeller | Neutrino–nucleus interactions | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 61 (2011) 355 | review annualrev properties | ||
2012 | Julien Lesgourgues, Gianpiero Mangano, Sergio Pastor, Gennaro Miele | Neutrino cosmology | Cambridge University Press | book cosmological | ||
2012 | T. Kajita, M. Koshiba and A. Suzuki | On the origin of the Kamiokande experiment and neutrino astrophysics | European Physical Journal H 37 (2012) 33 | history solar supernova theory | ||
2012 | U.F. Katz and Ch. Spiering | High energy neutrino astrophysics | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 67 (2012) 651 | review progpn vhe | ||
2012 | T. Kobayashi, M. Nakahata, T. Nakaya, ed. | XXV International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino 2012 - Kyoto | Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 235-236 (2013) 1 | conference proceedings neutrinoconf | ||
2012 | J. Steinberger | The history of neutrinos, 1930-1985. What we have learned about neutrinos? What we have learned using neutrinos? | Annals of Physics 327 (2012) 3182 - also appendix of Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 235-236 (2013) | history | ||
2012 | J.C. Mareschal, C. Jaupart and L. Iarotski | Geoneutrinos and the energy budget of the Earth | J. Geodynamics 54 (2012) 43 | geoneutrino geobib | ||
2012 | Kate Scholberg | Supernova Neutrino Detection | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 62 (2012) 81 | review annualrev supernova | ||
2012 | Christian Spiering | Towards High Energy Neutrino Astronomy – A Historical Review | European Physical Journal H 37 (2012) 515; arXiv:1207.4952 | history vhe vhebib neutrinosrc | ||
2012 | Lee Grodzins | The Tabletop Measurement of the Helicity of the Neutrino | Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 229-232 (2012) 5 | history properties | ||
2012 | Simone Turchetti | The Pontecorvo affair - A cold war defection and nuclear physics | The University of Chicago Press Books | book pontecorvo | ||
2012 | Hans-Thomas Janka | Explosion mechanisms of core-collapse supernovae | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 62 (2012) 407 | review annualrev supernova | ||
2012 | Paul Langacker | Neutrino masses from the top down | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 62 (2012) 215 | review annualrev properties theory | ||
2012 | J. A. Formaggio and G. P. Zeller | From eV to EeV: Neutrino cross sections across energy scales | Rev. Mod. Phys. 84 (2012) 1307 | review rmp properties | ||
2012 | G. Amelino-Camelia | Phenomenology of philosophy of science: OPERA data | arXiv:1206.3554 | history falsepath superlumbib | ||
2012 | Frank Calaprice, Cristiano Galbiati, Alex Wright, and Aldo Ianni | Results from the solar neutrino Borexino experiment | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 62 (2012) 315 | review annualrev solar | ||
2012 | T. Adam et al., OPERA Collaboration | Measurement of the neutrino velocity with the OPERA detector in the CNGS beam | JHEP 10 (2012) 093; arXiv:1109.4897v4 | falsepath superlumbib | ||
2012 | N. Yu. Agafonova et al., LVD collaboration | Determination of a time shift in the OPERA set-up using high energy horizontal muons in the LVD and OPERA detector | Phys. Rev. Lett. 109 (2012) 070801; arXiv:1206.2488 | falsepath superlumbib | ||
2012 | J.K. Ahn et al., RENO Collaboration | Observation of reactor electron antineutrino disappearance in the RENO experiment | Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 (2012) 191802; arXiv:1204.0626 | historical reactor oscillation properties milestonebib overviewbib oscbib plotbib | ||
2012 | P. Alvarez Sanchez et al., Borexino collaboration | Measurement of CNGS muon-neutrino speed with Borexino | Phys. Lett. B716 (2012) 401; arXiv:1206.3554 | falsepath superlumbib | ||
2012 | F.P. An et al., Daya Bay collaboration | Observation of electron-antineutrino disappearance at Daya Bay | Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 (2012) 171803; arXiv:1203.1669 | historical reactor oscillation properties milestonebib overviewbib reactorbib oscbib plotbib | ||
2012 | M. Antonello et al., ICARUS collaboration | Precision measurement of the neutrino velocity with the ICARUS detector in the CNGS beam | JHEP 11 (2012) 49; arXiv:1208.2629 | falsepath superlumbib | ||
2012 | P. Bernardini, G. Fogli, E. Lisi, ed. | Neutrino Oscillation Workshop 2012 | Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 237-238 (2013) 1 | conference proceeedings nowconf | ||
2012 | S. Bertolucci | Neutrino speed: a report on the muon-neutrino speed measurements of the Borexino, ICARUS and LVD experiments with the CNGS beam | Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 235-236 (2013) 289 | falsepath superlumbib | ||
2012 | S. M. Bilenky | Neutrino. History of a unique particle | European Physical Journal H 38 (2013) 345; arXiv:1210.3065 | history oscillation properties | ||
2013 | Etienne Klein | En cherchant Majorana | Gallimard, 2013 | book majorana outreach | ||
2013 | L. Di Lella | The birth of lepton universality and the second neutrino | Nuovo Cim. C037 n°5 (2014) 79 - Proceedings of "The legacy of Bruno Pontecorvo: the Man and the Scientist", Roma, September 11-12, 2013 | proceedings pontecorvo | ||
2013 | Carlo Dionisi and Luciano Maiani | The legacy of Bruno Pontecorvo: the man and the scientist, Roma, Italy, September 11-12, 2013 | Nuovo Cim. C037 n°5 (2014) 1 ; The legacy of Bruno Pontecorvo - Proceedings of "The legacy of Bruno Pontecorvo: the Man and the Scientist", 11-12 Septembre 2013, Rome | proceedings pontecorvo | ||
2013 | G. Fidecaro | Meeting Bruno Pontecorvo | Nuovo Cim. C037 n°3 (2014) 1 - Proceedings of PONTECORVO 100, Symposium in honour of Bruno Pontecorvo for the centennial of the birth : Pisa, Italy, September 18-20, 2013 | proceedings pontecorvo | ||
2013 | G. Fidecaro | Bruno Pontecorvo and his inverse beta process to detect neutrinos. A page of history | Nuovo Cim. C037 n°5 (2014) 105 - Proceedings of "The legacy of Bruno Pontecorvo: the Man and the Scientist", Roma, September 11-12, 2013 | proceedings pontecorvo | ||
2013 | E. Fiorini | Neutrino physics and my debts to Bruno | Nuovo Cim. C037 n°3 (2014) 39 - Proceedings of PONTECORVO 100, Symposium in honour of Bruno Pontecorvo for the centennial of the birth : Pisa, Italy, September 18-20, 2013 | proceedings pontecorvo | ||
2013 | F. Guerra and N. Robotti | The beginning of a great adventure: Bruno Pontecorvo in Rome and Paris | Nuovo Cim. C037 n°5 (2014) 79 - Proceedings of "The legacy of Bruno Pontecorvo: the Man and the Scientist", Roma, September 11-12, 2013 | proceedings pontecorvo | ||
2013 | J. Steinberger | Bruno Pontecorvo: his contributions to my physics and personal recollections | Nuovo Cim. C037 n°3 (2014) 19 - Proceedings of PONTECORVO 100, Symposium in honour of Bruno Pontecorvo for the centennial of the birth : Pisa, Italy, September 18-20, 2013 | proceedings pontecorvo | ||
2013 | Luciano Maiani | Concluding remarks: the scientist that lived three times | arXiv:1407.1373, Nuovo Cimento C037, n°5 (1974) 117 - Proceedings of "The legacy of Bruno Pontecorvo: the Man and the Scientist", 11-12 Septembre 2013, Rome | proceedings pontecorvo | ||
2013 | A.B. McDonald | Bruno Pontecorvo and solar neutrinos | Nuovo Cim. C037 n°3 (2014) 39 - Proceedings of PONTECORVO 100, Symposium in honour of Bruno Pontecorvo for the centennial of the birth : Pisa, Italy, September 18-20, 2013 | proceedings pontecorvo | ||
2013 | G. Mitselmakher | Bruno Pontecorvo in Dubna: recollections by a former student | Nuovo Cim. C037 n°3 (2014) 11 - Proceedings of PONTECORVO 100, Symposium in honour of Bruno Pontecorvo for the centennial of the birth : Pisa, Italy, September 18-20, 2013 | proceedings pontecorvo | ||
2013 | D.H. Perkins | An early neutrino experiment: how we missed quark substructure in 1963 | European Physical Journal H 38 (2013) 713 - Some 50 years after the event seems to be an appropriate time at which to take a long look back at one of the early neutrino experiments at CERN. This report is principally about a failure in a 1963 bubble chamber experiment to detect substructure in the nucleon, a year before the quark concept was invented by Gell-Mann and Zweig, and some five years before the existence of quarks as real dynamical objects was definitely established in deep inelastic electron scattering experiments at Stanford. | history | ||
2013 | Ruben Saakyan | Two-Neutrino Double-Beta Decay | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 63 (2013) 503 | review annualrev doublebeta | ||
2013 | Daniel Ivan Scully | Neutrino induced coherent pion production | Ph. D. thesis, Univ. of Warwick (2013) | plotbib | ||
2013 | Win2013 | 24th Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos, Natal, Brazil | conference proceedings winconf | |||
2013 | Janet Conrad, William C. Louis and Michael H. Shaevitz | The LSND and MiniBooNE Oscillation Search at High Dm2 | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 63 (2013) 45 | review annualrev falsepath | ||
2013 | Jacopo De Tullio | Il fisico del neutrino | arXiv:1310.7895 | pontecorvo | ||
2013 | Ubaldo Dore | Neutrino experiments in the Physics Department of Rome "Sapienza" University | European Physical Journal H 38 (2013) 703 | history | ||
2013 | E. Coccia | Edoardo Amaldi, Bruno Pontecorvo and the invisible light of stars | Nuovo Cim. C037 n°5 (2014) 79 - Proceedings of "The legacy of Bruno Pontecorvo: the Man and the Scientist", Roma, September 11-12, 2013 | proceedings pontecorvo | ||
2013 | J. Bernabeu | On the history of the PMNS matrix… with today’s perspective | Nuovo Cim. C037 n°3 (2014) 145; arXiv:1312.7451 - Proceedings of PONTECORVO 100, Symposium in honour of Bruno Pontecorvo for the centennial of the birth : Pisa, Italy, September 18-20, 2013 | proceedings pontecorvo | ||
2013 | F. Close | Bruno Pontecorvo: a life of two halves | Nuovo Cim. C037 n°5 (2014) 93 - Proceedings of "The legacy of Bruno Pontecorvo: the Man and the Scientist", Roma, September 11-12, 2013 | proceedings pontecorvo | ||
2013 | M.G. Aartsen et al., IceCube coll. | Evidence for High-Energy Extraterrestrial Neutrinos at the IceCube Detector | Science 342 (2013) 1242856 ; arXiv:1311.5238 | vhe milestonebib overviewbib | ||
2013 | P.A.R. Ade et al. | Planck 2013 Results. XVI. Cosmological Parameters | Astronomy and Astrophysics 571 (2014) A16; arXiv:1303.5076 | historical cosmological milestonebib overviewbib cosmobib plotbib | ||
2013 | M. Agostini et al., GERDA collaboration | Results on neutrinoless double beta decay of 76Ge from GERDA Phase I | Phys. Rev. Lett. 111 (2013) 122503, arXiv:1307.4720 | doublebeta detection dbetafalsebib | ||
2013 | U. Amaldi | Major events and minor episodes | Nuovo Cim. C037 n°5 (2014) 79 - Proceedings of "The legacy of Bruno Pontecorvo: the Man and the Scientist", Roma, September 11-12, 2013 | proceedings pontecorvo | ||
2013 | A. Baldini, V. Cavasinni, F. Cei and D. Nicolo, editors | Pontecorvo 100 - Symposium in honour of Bruno Pontecorvo for the centennial of his birth, Pisa, Italy, September 18-20, 2013 | SIF Conference Proceedings n° 106, Nuovo Cimento 37, n°3 (2014) ; | proceedings pontecorvo | ||
2013 | G. Bellini, A. Ianni, L. Ludhova, F. Mantovani, W.F. McDonough | Geo-neutrinos | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 73 (2013) 1; arXiv:1310.3732 | review progpn geoneutrino geobib | ||
2013 | G. Bellini et al. , Borexino collaboration | Measurement of geo-neutrinos from 1353 days of Borexino | Phys. Lett. B722 (2013) 295; arXiv:1303.2571 | geoneutrino geobib | ||
2013 | S. Betts et al. | Development of a relic neutrino detection experiment at PTOLEMY | arXiv:1307.4738 | cosmological detection cosmobib | ||
2013 | S. Bilenky et al., editors | Bruno Pontecorvo selected scientific works: recollections on Bruno Pontecorvo | Società Italiana di Fisica 2013 - Expanded edition of 1997 book | book pontecorvo | ||
2013 | S.M. Bilenky | Bruno Pontecorvo: pioneer of neutrino oscillations | Nuovo Cim. C037 n°3 (2014) 21 - Proceedings of PONTECORVO 100, Symposium in honour of Bruno Pontecorvo for the centennial of the birth : Pisa, Italy, September 18-20, 2013 | proceedings pontecorvo | ||
2013 | S.M. Bilenky | Bruno Pontecorvo and modern neutrino physics | Nuovo Cim. C037 n°5 (2014) 3 - Proceedings of "The legacy of Bruno Pontecorvo: the Man and the Scientist", Roma, September 11-12, 2013 | proceedings pontecorvo | ||
2013 | L. Bonolis, C. Dionisi and N. Robotti, editors | The legacy of Bruno Pontecorvo: the man and the scientist, Roma, Italy, September 11-12, 2013 | SIF Conference Proceedings n° 107, Nuovo Cim. C037, n° 5 (2014) | proceedings pontecorvo | ||
2013 | M.G. Aartsen et al., IceCube coll. | First Observation of PeV-energy neutrinos with IceCube | Phys. Rev. Lett. 111 (2013) 021103; arXiv:1304.5356 | historical vhe milestonebib overviewbib vhebib | ||
2013 | Adam Burrows | Perspectives on core-collapse supernova theory | Rev. Mod. Phys. 85 (2013) 245 | review rmp supernova | ||
2013 | R. Castaldi | The early years of Bruno Maximovich Pontecorvo at Dubna | Nuovo Cim. C037 n°5 (2014) 79 - Proceedings of "The legacy of Bruno Pontecorvo: the Man and the Scientist", Roma, September 11-12, 2013 | proceedings pontecorvo | ||
2014 | Takaaki Kajita | The Measurement of Neutrino Properties with Atmospheric Neutrinos | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 64 (2014) 343 | review annualrev atmospheric properties | ||
2014 | Benjamin R. Safdi, Mariangela Lisanti, Joshua Spitz, Joseph A. Formaggio | Annual modulation of cosmic relic neutrinos | arXiv:1404.0680, Phys. Rev. D 90, 043001 (2014) | cosmological detection | ||
2014 | Erasmo Recami | Ettore Majorana: the scientist and the man | International Journal of Modern Physics D 23 (2014) 1444009 ; arXiv:1412.7485 | majorana history | ||
2014 | D.H. Perkins | The remarkable history of the discovery of neutrino oscillations | European Physical Journal H 39 (2014) 505 | history oscillation | ||
2014 | H. Päs | The perfect wave - With neutrinos at the Boundary of Space and Time | Harvard University Press | book | ||
2014 | Michael Moe | The first direct observation of double-beta decay | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 64 (2014) 247 | review annualrev doublebeta history | ||
2014 | E. Kearns, G. Feldman, ed. | XXVI International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino 2014 - Boston | AIP Conference Proceedings 1666 (2015) 010001 | conference proceedings neutrinoconf | ||
2014 | Luciano Maiani | Selected topics in Majorana neutrino physics | arXiv:1406.5503 | proceedings majorana seesaw history | ||
2014 | Thomas Gaisser and Francis Halzen | IceCube | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 64 (2014) 101 | review annualrev vhe | ||
2014 | Salvatore Esposito | The physics of Ettore Majorana | Cambridge University Press | book majorana | ||
2014 | S. M. Bilenky | Neutrino oscillations: brief history and present status | arXiv:1405.5303 | history oscillation | ||
2014 | P. Bernardini, G. Fogli, E. Lisi, ed. | Neutrino Oscillation Workshop 2014 | Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 265-266 (2015) 1 | conference proceeedings nowconf | ||
2014 | G. Bellini et al., Borexino collaboration | Neutrinos from the primary proton-proton fusion in the Sun | Nature 512 (2014) 383 | historical solar milestonebib overviewbib solarbib | ||
2014 | P. Adamson et al., MINOS collaboration | Combined analysis of muon-neutrino disappearance and electron-neutrino appearance in MINOS using accelerator and atmospheric neutrinos | Phys. Rev. Lett. 112 (2014) 191801; arXiv:1403.0867 | accelerator atmospheric oscillation oscbib | ||
2014 | K. Abe et al., T2K collaboration | Observation of Electron Neutrino Appearance in a Muon Neutrino Beam | Phys. Rev. Lett. 112 (2014) 061802; arXiv:1311.4750, | oscillation accelerator properties | ||
2014 | M.G. Aartsen et al. | Observation of High-Energy Astrophysical Neutrinos in Three Years of IceCube Data | arXiv:1405.5303, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113 (2014) 101101 | vhe | ||
2015 | Win2015 | 25th Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos, Heidelberg | conference proceedings winconf | |||
2015 | P. Vogel, L.J. Wen, C. Zhang | Neutrino oscillation studies with reactors | Nature Communications 6 (2015) 6935 | review reactor history | ||
2015 | Erasmo Recami | Ettore Majorana: his work and his life | arXiv:1412.7485 - Substantial text overlap with arXiv:0708.2855, arXiv:0709.1183 | majorana | ||
2015 | X. Qian and P. Vogel | Neutrino mass hierarchy | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 83 (2015) 1 | review progpn theory properties | ||
2015 | R.B. Patterson | Prospects for Measurement of the Neutrino Mass Hierarchy | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 65 (2015) 177 | review annualrev properties | ||
2015 | T. Lachenmaier | The measurement of the neutrino mixing angle q13 with reactor neutrino experiments | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 83 (2015) 31 | review progpn reactor oscillation | ||
2015 | Soo-Bong Kim and Kam-Biu Luk | Measurement of q13 | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 65 (2015) 329 | review annualrev oscillation reactor | ||
2015 | Ray Jayawardhana | Neutrino hunters | Macmillan, 2015 | book history | ||
2015 | Carlo Giunti and Alexander Studenikin | Neutrino electromagnetic interactions: A window to new physics | Rev. Mod. Phys. 87 (2015) 531 | review rmp properties | ||
2015 | G.T. Garvey et al. | Recent advances and open questions in neutrino-induced quasi-elastic scattering and single photon production | Physics Reports 580 (2015) 1 | review physrep | ||
2015 | Steven R. Elliott and Marcel Franz | Colloquium: Majorana fermions in nuclear, particle, and solid-state physics | Rev. Mod. Phys. 87 (2015) 137 | review rmp majorana properties | ||
2015 | Frank Close | Half-life: the divided life of Bruno Pontecorvo, physicist or spy? | Basic Books, 2015 [French translation: Le mystère Pontecorvo / Flammarion, 2016] | book pontecorvo | ||
2015 | Elena Canovi, Giampaolo Co', Daniele Montanino, Francesco Vissani | Neutrino: the mutant particle | Ithaca: Viaggio nella Scienza | book | ||
2015 | K.G. Balasi, K. Langanke, G. Martinez-Pinedo | Neutrino-nucleus reactions and their role for supernova dynamics and nucleosynthesis | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 85 (2015) 33 | review progpn supernova | ||
2016 | J.M. Lo Secco | History of “Anomalous” Atmospheric Neutrino Events: A First Person Account | arXiv:1606.00665 | history atmospheric oscillation | ||
2016 | N. Vinyoles et al. | A new generation of standard solar models | arXiv:1611.09867 | solar solarbib | ||
2016 | Fumihiko Suekane and Thiago Junqueira de Castro Bezerra | Double Chooz and a history of reactor q13 experiments | arXiv:1601.08041, Nucl. Phys. B908 (2016) 74 | history reactor oscillation properties reactorbib | ||
2016 | A. Yu. Smirnov | Solar neutrinos: Oscillations or No-oscillations? | arXiv:1609.02386 | solar oscillation msw oscbib | ||
2016 | G. Rajasekaran | The story of the neutrino | arXiv:1606.08715 | history | ||
2016 | Don H. Perkins | Early steps towards quarks and their interactions using neutrino beams in CERN bubble chamber experiments | European Physical Journal H 41 (2016) 157 | accelerator theory | ||
2016 | Ulrich Mosel | Neutrino Interactions with Nucleons and Nuclei : Importance for Long-Baseline Experiments | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 66 (2016) 171 | review annualrev accelerator | ||
2016 | Arthur B. McDonald | Nobel Lecture: The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory: Observation of flavor change for solar neutrinos | Rev. Mod. Phys. 88 (2016) 030502 | review rmp solar history | ||
2016 | A. Marrone, A. Mirizzi, D. Montanino, ed. | Neutrino Oscillation Workshop 2016 | Proceedings of Science PoS NOW2016 | conference proceeedings nowconf | ||
2016 | A. Bellerive, J.R. Klein, A.B. McDonald, A.J. Noble, A.W.P. Poon | The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory | arXiv:1602.02469 | history solar | ||
2016 | K. Long, S. Pascoli, ed. | XXVII International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino 2016 - London | J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 888 (2017) | conference proceedings neutrinoconf | ||
2016 | Anna C. Hayes and Petr Vogel | Reactor Neutrino Spectra | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 66 (2016) 219 | review annualrev reactor | ||
2016 | André de Gouvêa | Neutrino Mass Models | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 66 (2016) 197 | review annualrev properties theory | ||
2016 | M. Goodman | Resource Letter ANP-1: Advances in Neutrino Physics | American Journal of Physics 84 (2016) 907 | bibliography | ||
2016 | Ubaldo Dore, Pier Ferruccio Loverre, Lucio Ludovici | Measurement of the Weinberg angle in neutrino interactions | European Physical Journal H 41 (2016) 137 | accelerator theory | ||
2016 | M.V. Diwan, V. Galymov, X. Qian, and A. Rubbia | Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiments | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 66 (2016) 47 | review annualrev accelerator | ||
2016 | Richard H. Cyburt, Brian D. Fields, Keith A. Olive, and Tsung-Han Yeh | Big bang nucleosynthesis: Present status | Rev. Mod. Phys. 88 (2016) 015004 | review rmp cosmological | ||
2016 | Frank Close | Half-life, the divided life of Bruno Pontecorvo | Basic Books (2015), Conference at CERN, 28 April 2016 | history pontecorvo | ||
2016 | Takaaki Kajita | Nobel Lecture: Discovery of atmospheric neutrino oscillations | Rev. Mod. Phys. 88 (2016) 030501 | review rmp atmospheric history | ||
2017 | Frank G. Schröder | Radio detection of cosmic ray air showers and high-energy neutrinos | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 93 (2017) 1 | review progpn vhe detection | ||
2017 | Michael Wurm | Solar neutrino spectroscopy | Physics Reports 685 (2017) 1; arXiv:1704.06331 | review physrep solar | ||
2017 | Win2017 | 26th Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos, Irvine, California | conference proceedings winconf | |||
2017 | L.J. Wen, J. Cao and Y.F.Wang | Reactor neutrino experiments: Present and Future | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 67 (2017) 183 | review annualrev reactor | ||
2017 | F. Vannucci | Interactions of neutrinos with matter | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 95 (2017) 1 | review progpn properties | ||
2017 | I. Zheleznykh et al. | Development of the radio astronomical method of cosmic particle detection for Extremely High-Energy Cosmic Ray Physics and Neutrino Astronomy | EPJ Web Conf. 145 (2017) 11002 | vhe detection | ||
2017 | P. Meszaros | Astrophysical Sources of High-Energy Neutrinos in the Ice-Cube Era | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 67 (2017) 45 | review annualrev vhe | ||
2017 | A. Ianni | Solar neutrinos | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 94 (2017) 257 | review progpn solar | ||
2017 | Salvatore Esposito | Ettore Majorana - unveiled genius and endless mysteries | Springer | book majorana | ||
2017 | Omar Benhar et al. | Neutrino-nucleus interactions and the determination of the oscillation parameters | Physics Reports 700 (2017) 1 | review physrep oscillation | ||
2017 | D. Akimov et al. | Observation of coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering | Science 357 (2017) 1123; arXiv:1708.01294 | properties overviewbib | ||
2017 | Kevork N. Abazajian | Sterile neutrinos in cosmology | Physics Reports 711-712 (2017) 1; arXiv:1705.01837 | review physrep cosmological | ||
2017 | S.F. King | Unified models of neutrinos, flavours and CP violation | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 94 (2017) 217 | review progpn theory | ||
2018 | M. Cribier, J. Dumarchez, D. Vignaud, ed. | "History of the neutrino", Paris, 5-7 September 2018 | Proceedings of the conference "History of the neutrino", 2019 | proceedings conference history | ||
2018 | A. Marrone, A. Mirizzi, D. Montanino, ed. | Neutrino Oscillation Workshop 2018 | Proceedings of Science PoS NOW2018 | conference proceeedings nowconf | ||
2018 | Kendall Mahn, Chris Marshall, Callum Wilkinson | Progress in Measurements of 0.1–10 GeV Neutrino–Nucleus Scattering and Anticipated Results from Future Experiments | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 68 (2018) 105 | annualrev | ||
2018 | M. Lindner, G. Drexlin, ed. | XXVIII International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino 2018 - Heidelberg | conference proceedings neutrinoconf | |||
2018 | H.T. Janka | Neutrino-driven explosions in 3D supernova explosions | Neutrino 2018, Heidelberg | supernova supernbib | ||
2018 | Ice Cube, Fermi-LAT, Magic, Agile, HESS, … collaborations | Multi-messenger observations of a flaring blazar coincident with high-energy neutrino IceCube-170922 | Science 361 (2018) 1378 ; arXiv:1807.08816 | vhe historical detection vhebib overviewbib milestonebib | ||
2018 | C. Giganti, S. Lavignac, M. Zito | Neutrino oscillations : the rise of the PMNS paradigm | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 98 (2018) 1; arXiv:1710.00715 | review progpn properties oscillation oscbib | ||
2018 | A. Blondel | The third family of neutrinos | arXiv:1812.11362; Proceedings of the conference "History of the neutrino", 2019 | proceedings conference history propbib plotbib | ||
2018 | F. Capozzi, E. Lisi, A. Marrone, A. Palazzo | Current unknowns in the three-neutrino framework | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 102 (2018) 48 | progpn oscillation | ||
2018 | M. Betancourt, S. Bolognesi, J. Calcutt, R. Castillo Fernandez et al. | Comparisons and challenges of modern neutrino scattering experiments (TENSIONS2016 report) | Phys. Rep. 773-774 (2018) 1 | physrep accelerator | ||
2018 | A. Bettini | A brief history of Neutrino | book history | |||
2018 | A. B. Balantekin and Boris Kayser | On the Properties of Neutrinos | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 68 (2018) 313 | properties annualrev | ||
2018 | L. Alvarez-Ruso, M. Sajjad Athar, M.B. Barbaro, D. Cherdack, et al. | NuSTEC: White Paper: Status and challenges of neutrino–nucleus scattering | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 100 (2018) 1 | progpn scattering | ||
2018 | Markus Ahlers, Francis Halzen | Opening a new window onto the universe with IceCube | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 102 (2018) 73 | progpn vhe | ||
2018 | N. Agafonova et al. | Final results of the OPERA experiment on tau-neutrino appearance in the CNGS beam | arXiv:1804.04912 | numbernu oscillation accelerator | ||
2019 | Win2019 | 27th Int. Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos, Bari | PoS 2019, 27th International Workshop WIN 2019 | conference proceedings winconf | ||
2019 | E. Vitagliano, I. Tamborra, G. Raffelt | Grand unified neutrino spectrum at Earth | Rev. Mod. Phys. 92 (2020) 45006; arXiv:1910.11878 | rmp neutrinosrc | ||
2019 | D. Vartanyan, A. Burrows, D. Radice, M.A. Skinner and J. Dolenc | A successful 3D core-collapse supernova explosion model | Mon. Not. Royal Astron. Soc. 482 (2019) 351 | supernova supernbib | ||
2019 | O. Smirnov | Experimental aspects of geoneutrino detection: Status and perspectives | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 109 (2019) 103712 | progpn geoneutrino detection | ||
2019 | B. Müller | Neutrino Emission as Diagnostics of Core-Collapse Supernovae | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 69 (2019) 253 | annualrev supernova | ||
2019 | Pedro A.N. Machado, Ornella Palamara, David W. Schmitz | The Short-Baseline Neutrino Program at Fermilab | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 69 (2019) 363 | annualrev accelerator | ||
2019 | Carlo Giunti and Thierry Lasserre | eV-Scale Sterile Neutrinos | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 69 (2019) 163 | annualrev detection theory oscillation doublebeta betadecay | ||
2019 | U. Dore, P. Loverre and L. Ludovici | History of accelerator neutrino beams | European Physical Journal H 2019 | accelerator history | ||
2019 | Bhaskar Dutta and Louis E. Strigari | Neutrino Physics with Dark Matter Detectors | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 69 (2019) 137 | annualrev detection | ||
2019 | A. Boyarsky, M. Drewes, T. Lasserre, S. Mertens, O. Ruchayskiy | Sterile neutrino Dark Matter | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 104 (2019) 1 | progpn | ||
2019 | M. Aker et al. | An improved upper limit on the neutrino mass from a direct kinematic method by KATRIN | arXiv:1909.06048 | propbib properties mass | ||
2019 | H. Ejiri, J. Suhonen, K. Zuber | Neutrino–nuclear responses for astro-neutrinos, single beta decays and double beta decays | Phys. Rep. 797 (2019) 1 | physrep betadecay doublebeta | ||
2020 | S. Cebrián | Double beta decay experiments at Canfranc Underground Laboratory | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 114 (2020) 103807 | progpn detection doublebeta | ||
2020 | C. Kato, K. Ishidoshiro, T. Yoshida | Theoretical Prediction of Presupernova Neutrinos and Their Detection | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 70 (2020) 121 | annualrev supernova | ||
2020 | Amand Faessler | Status of the determination of the electron–neutrino mass | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 113 (2020) 103789 | progpn mass | ||
2020 | A. Diaz, C.A. Argüelles, G.H. Collin, J.M. Conrad, M.H. Shaevitz | Where are we with light sterile neutrinos? | Phys. Rep. 884 (2020) 1 | physrep | ||
2020 | K. Blaum, S. Eliseev, F. A. Danevich, V. I. Tretyak, Sergey Kovalenko, M. I. Krivoruchenko, Yu. N. Novikov, and J. Suhonen | Neutrinoless double-electron capture | Rev. Mod. Phys. 92 (2020) 045007 | rmp doublebeta | ||
2020 | S. Brice, M. Marshak | XXIX International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino 2020 - Chicago | conference proceedings neutrinoconf | |||
2020 | Sebastian Böser, Christian Buck, Carlo Giunti, Julien Lesgourgues, et al. | Status of light sterile neutrino searches | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 111 (2020) 103736 | progpn | ||
2020 | M. Biassoni, O. Cremonesi | Search for neutrino-less double beta decay with thermal detectors | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 114 (2020) 103803 | progpn detection doublebeta | ||
2020 | Adam Bernstein, Nathaniel Bowden, Bethany L. Goldblum, Patrick Huber, Igor Jovanovic, and John Mattingly | Neutrino detectors as tools for nuclear security (Colloquium) | Rev. Mod. Phys. 92 (2020) 011003 | conference rmp | ||
2020 | M. Agostini et al., Borexino Collaboration | Experimental evidence of neutrinos produced in the CNO fusion cycle in the Sun | Nature 587 (2020) 577; arXiv:2006.15115 | historical solar milestonebib overviewbib solarbib | ||
2021 | Ferruccio Feruglio and Andrea Romanino | Lepton flavor symmetries | Rev. Mod. Phys. 93 (2021) 015007 | rmp theory | ||
2021 | Irene Tamborra and Shashank Shalgar | New Developments in Flavor Evolution of a Dense Neutrino Gas | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 71 (2021) 165 | annualrev supernova cosmological theory | ||
2021 | Joseph A. Formaggio, André Luiz C. de Gouvêa, R.G. Hamish Robertson | Direct measurements of neutrino mass | Phys. Rep. 914 (2021) 1 | physrep mass betadecay | ||
2021 | Gabriel D. Orebi Gann, Kai Zuber, Daniel Bemmerer, Aldo Serenelli | The Future of Solar Neutrinos | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 71 (2021) 491 | annualrev solar | ||
2021 | Basudeb Dasgupta, Joachim Kopp | Sterile neutrinos | Phys. Rep. 928 (2021) 1 | physrep theory | ||
2021 | Gianpaolo Bellini, Aldo Ianni, Gioacchino Ranucci | Science and technology in very low energy neutrino physics with Borexino | Phys. Rep. 906 (2021) 1 | physrep solar detection | ||
2021 | Carlos A. Argüelles, A. Diaz, A. Kheirandish, A. Olivares-Del-Campo, I. Safa, and A. C. Vincent | Dark matter annihilation to neutrinos | Rev. Mod. Phys. 93 (2021) 035007 | rmp theory | ||
2021 | Dietrich Bödeker and Wilfried Buchmüller | Baryogenesis from the weak scale to the grand unification scale | Rev. Mod. Phys. 93 (2021) 035004 | rmp theory | ||
2022 | Naoko Kurahashi, Kohta Murase, Marcos Santander | High-Energy Extragalactic Neutrino Astrophysics | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 72 (2022) 365 | annualrev vhe | ||
2022 | Seon-Hee Seo, Yeongduk Kim | XXX International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino 2022 - Seoul | conference proceedings neutrinoconf | |||
2022 | A. Marrone, A. Mirizzi, D. Montanino, ed. | Neutrino Oscillation Workshop 2022 | Proceedings of Science PoS NOW2022 | conference proceeedings nowconf | ||
2022 | Alexey Lokhov, Susanne Mertens, Diana S. Parno, Magnus Schlösser, Kathrin Valerius | Probing the Neutrino-Mass Scale with the KATRIN Experiment | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 72 (2022) 259 | annualrev mass | ||
2022 | R.L. Workman et al., Particle Data Group | The Review of Particle Physics | Prog. Theor. Phys. 2022, 083C01 | review properties oscillation mass propbib oscbib | ||
2022 | Juno collaboration | JUNO physics and detector | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 123 (2022) 103927 | progpn detection | ||
2022 | Sunil R. Golwala, E. Figueroa-Feliciano | Novel quantum sensors for light dark matter and neutrino detection | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 72 (2022) 419 | annualrev detection | ||
2022 | M. Sajjad Athar, Steven W. Barwick, Thomas Brunner, Jun Cao, et al. | Status and perspectives of neutrino physics | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 124 (2022) 103947 | review progpn | ||
2022 | M. Aker et al. (KATRIN collaboration) | Direct neutrino-mass measurement with sub-eV sensibility | Nat. Phys. 18, 160–166 (2022) | propbib properties mass overviewbib | ||
2022 | D.Q. Adams, C. Alduino, F. Alessandria, K. Alfonso, et al. | CUORE opens the door to tonne-scale cryogenics experiments | Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 122 (2022) 103902 | progpn detection doublebeta | ||
2023 | Matteo Agostini, Giovanni Benato, Jason A. Detwiler, Javier Menéndez, and Francesco Vissani | Toward the discovery of matter creation with neutrinoless double beta decay | review rmp theory doublebeta | |||
2023 | Francesca Di Lodovico, R.B. Patterson, M. Shiozawa, E. Worcester | Experimental Considerations in Long-Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Measurements | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 73 (2023) 69 | annualrev accelerator | ||
2023 | Mary Hall Reno | High-Energy to Ultrahigh-Energy Neutrino Interactions | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 73 (2023) 181 | annualrev vhe accelerator | ||
2023 | F. Vissani | First steps towards understanding neutrinos | arXiv:2310.07834 | history theory | ||
2024 | Oluwatomi A. Akindele, Rachel Carr | Concepts for Neutrino Applications | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 74 (2024) 473 | annualrev | ||
2024 | Gianpaolo Bellini | Technological Novelties and Scientific Discoveries with the Borexino Experiment | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 74 (2024) 369 | annualrev solar | ||
2024 | C. Brofferio, G. Ranucci | XXXI International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino 2024 - Milano | conference proceedings neutrinoconf | |||
2024 | Leendert Hayen | Opportunities and Open Questions in Modern Beta Decay | Ann. Rev. of Nucl. and Part. Science 74 (2024) 497 | annualrev betadecay | ||
2024 | M.C. Volpe | Neutrinos from dense environments : Flavor mechanisms, theoretical approaches, observations, and new directions | ; arXiv:2301.11814 | review rmp theory | ||
2025 | S. Aiello et al., KM3NeT collaboration | Observation of an ultra-high-energy cosmic neutrino with KM3NeT | Nature 638 (2025) 376 | historical vhe milestonebib vhebib overviewbib |